Oneness with Christ is like glue that ought to hold us together

John 17:21-23

That they may all be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us…”

One with Christ is to be in union with Christ. By faith, a continual action of believing and not just a one-time thing, this union holds us together for justification, sanctification, and glorification (Rom 8:29,30). This is the process of regeneration (Col 3:10), that conforms us to Christ’s moral likeness. Our oneness with Christ is like glue that ought to hold us together, and this is accomplished by filling the mind with the Word. Union with Christ is in and through the Word richly dwelling in us (John 15:1-11; Col 3:16).

To be one with Christ is to be one with God (John 17:20,21), united in the deepest possible and holy relationship. It is only through Christ that this is possible. We cannot have the one without the other because they are ONE. This is where the marriage analogy becomes such a beautiful lesson for us! But, there is a difference between the ability to describe our marital relationship and actually having that marital relationship. It is not the same thing. Our actions are the proof if our faith is real.

To be one with Christ is not just the physical aspect of being baptised into Christ, it is so much more. It follows with the application of the spiritual oneness (1Cor 6:11), which if disobeyed, we will fail. There is no “one-ness,” natural or spiritual. The two cannot be separated, and if they are, there is no oneness, Scripturally speaking.

It is beyond amazing how God so desires for us to be one with Him in the same relationship He has with His son, made possible only by actually being one with Christ! Being one is a beautiful concept when applied Scripturally, and to use it in any other way is to cheapen it.

When the Father looks at us, does He see Christ in us?

Our journey is to come to this realisation of how the Father sees us according to His truth. This is where Jesus comes in to guide us along this journey that our destination with him be also our destination with the Father.

Valerie Mello



  1. Faithful to God are baptised
  2. Baptised offering unity to the unbaptised
  3. Jesus high priestly prayer for unity


Additional reading

  1. Being one in Jesus, Jesus in us and God in Jesus
  2. Unity
  3. Preparation for unity
  4. Commitment to Christian unity
  5. Being Religious and Spiritual 7 Transcendence to become one
  6. Avoiding friction and distraction in the body of Christ
  7. Thought for today (January 17): Walking not after the flesh, but after the spirit
  8. Atonement And Fellowship 7/8
  9. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them
  10. Call for prayer to help with unity crisis
  11. Be Honest
  12. The Ecclesia