A house with fertile soil full of plants of love

When we come together, be it in a house, hall, temple or kingdom hall, and intend to exchange our thoughts in community about God, His word and commandments, our attitude towards each other must be according to the standards of God.

The ecclesia is a house of God and there is no room for jealousy, envy or jealousy, but there must be mutual love for each other.

Those who gather to attend a service for God are committed to delving into the Word of God, but also into the love of God. Thus they study the character of the Most High and see the character of His sent son. It does not escape their attention that Jesus had an unselfish love. He had a love that « doesn’t envy ». In front of us we see a man who radiated a love that was generous. So must our love be, so that we may see others flourish and rejoice in their prosperity, even if our own affairs are not so prosperous for a while.

It may be safe that we experience difficult days. Days we can even hate. But these must not undermine us. They must not drag us into the depths. Above all the inconveniences and difficulties, we must have such confidence in God that we rise above these difficulties and continue to act as a peacemaker who wants to share his love with many.

The love of and imitator of Christ is one of generosity, the reverse of jealousy and envy, which arise from a perverse nature. This world is overflowing with people who want to reflect on others. Social media is excellent proof of this, how people even go so far as to no longer be themselves towards others. All around us we see people looking forward with jealousy to what others have already achieved or are envious of what they already have and they do not. There, we clearly see the roots of envy, which is selfishness. We must realise that envy will not grow on the root of love.

And to build a good ecclesia we need to plough a fertile soil and sow good seeds on it, choosing to raise only loving plants. In this way, we will keep our thoughts open to warmly welcome everyone who comes by, and have a taste of our hospitality. In doing so, our love will rejoice with those who rejoice, in the prosperity of every good word and work, and in the progress in Christian grace and in the divine service of all who are driven by the divine Spirit.


Previous articles

  1. God’s Words for the Pilgrimage #3 A road on a global scale littered with obstacles
  2. A meeting place to share peace and love with each other
  3. Opening speech at the Service for Unity in Our Faith Community
  4. Grow love and make progress
  5. Love in the ecclesia
  6. Love expressed
  7. Paul’s exhortation to unity in love
  8. We must be faithful to God


Additional reading

  1. The sin of partiality
  2. Matthew 8:14-17 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother-in-law
  3. Matthew 10:11-15 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Searching for the Sheep
  4. Matthew 13:36-43 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Parable of the Zizania in the Field Explained
  5. Matthew 25:31-46 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Judgment on the Realm of Heaven #2 Matthew 25:34-36
  6. Matthew 25:31-46 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Judgment on the Realm of Heaven #3 Matthew 25:37-40
  7. Today’s Thought (August 03): Hospitality without grudging
  8. Today’s thought “Darker days, presents and Love for others” (December 13)
  9. Necessity to be cheerful to help yourself and others

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