Trouve la paix et la tranquillité en tant que bien-aimé de Dieu

sunset, field and sea by sunset,bloemenveld met op de achtergrond de zee en ondergaande zon
Image source: Mitra Shahidi


Puissiez-vous toujours trouver la paix dans chaque situation, la joie dans les tâches quotidiennes et la connaissance que vous êtes aimé de Dieu, de votre famille et de vos amis!

Aujourd’hui est un nouveau départ, alors embrassez-le pleinement de tout votre cœur et de toute votre âme. Souhaitant que votre nouvelle semaine soit dotée d’espoir, de paix et d’amour. ❤☀


Text and image source: Mitra Shahid

sunset, field and sea by sunset,bloemenveld met op de achtergrond de zee en ondergaande zon

New Week Inspiration 💕🌞 . . . May you find peace…

Find peace and quiet as a beloved of God

Image source: Mitra Shahidi


May you always find peace in every situation, joy in everyday tasks and the knowledge that you are loved by God, by your family and your friends!

Today is a new beginning, so embrace it fully with your whole heart and soul. Wishing your New Week be blessed with hope, peace and love. ❤☀


New Week Inspiration 💕🌞 . . . May you find peace…

Text and image source: Mitra Shahid

Look at the good in others

Image source: Whispers from the Heart – Artist: Barbara Flowers


“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others;
for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness;
and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”

Audrey Hepburn

Regardez le bien chez les autres

Image source: Whispers from the Heart – Artist: Barbara Flowers

“Pour les beaux yeux, cherchez le bien chez les autres ;
pour les belles lèvres, ne dites que des paroles de bonté ;
et pour l’équilibre, marchez en sachant que vous n’êtes jamais seul.”

Audrey Hepburn

Soyez la personne qui se soucie des autres

Pour un vrai chrétien, il est important de se soucier des autres. Le chrétien doit porter en lui l’amour de Dieu et l’amener à exprimer cet amour aux autres et à partager cet amour avec les autres.

heart(s), love, caring for others
Image source: Serendipity Corner – Artist Credit : Beth Budesheim

Soyez la personne qui s’en soucie.
Soyez la personne qui fait l’effort, la personne qui aime sans hésitation.
Soyez la personne qui met tout à nu, celle qui ne recule jamais devant la profondeur de son sentiment, ou l’intensité de son espérance.
Soyez la personne qui croit en la douceur du monde, en la bonté des autres, en la beauté d’être ouvert, libre et confiant.
Soyez la personne qui saisit l’occasion, qui refuse de se cacher.
Soyez la personne qui fait que les gens se sentent vus, la personne qui se présente.
Fais-moi confiance quand je dis ; sois la personne qui s’en soucie. Parce que le monde n’a pas besoin de plus d’insouciance, de plus de mépris ; parce qu’il n’y a rien de plus fort que quelqu’un qui continue à rester mou dans un monde qui n’a pas toujours été gentil avec eux ..

Bianca Sparacino, La force dans nos cicatrices 💜

Be the person who cares.

Be the person who cares about others

For a true Christian it is important to care about others. The Christian must carry the love of God within him or her and bring him or her to express that love to others and to share that love with others.

Artist Credit : Beth Budesheim – image source: Serendipity Corner


Be the person who cares.
Be the person who makes the effort, the person who loves without hesitation.
Be the person who bares it all, the person who never shies away from the depth of their feeling, or the intensity of their hope.
Be the person who believes in the softness of the world, in the goodness of other people, in the beauty of being open and untethered and trusting.
Be the person who takes the chance, who refuses to hide.
Be the person who makes people feel seen, the person who shows up.
Trust me when I say ; be the person who cares. Because the world doesn’t need more carelessness, any more disregard; because there is nothing stronger than someone who continues to stay soft in a world that hasn’t always been kind to them ..

Bianca Sparacino, The Strength In Our Scars 💜

There are times in your life, when you must be a lighthouse

In our lives, we are guided by the Divine Creator Even during fierce storms, we can look forward to His Light The Divine lighthouse stands high on the rock to guide us and save us from crashing on the cliffs.

In an ecclesia, we must also be such points of light for others, so that they come to see the true light and strand safely Every member of the faith community must be, as it were, a lighthouse and a rock in the surf, where people can climb safely so that they do not drown.

* There are times in your life, where you must be a lighthouse. Where you must stand still and boldly within the storm, letting the waves crash before…

There are times in your life, when you must be a lighthouse



Certaines personnes sont des phares, d’autres sont des rochers

Wild hope 🤍 – Art by Tim Shorten


Les différentes personnalités que nous rencontrons dans la vie apparaissent très différentes et souhaitent également prendre une position différente dans le monde, ainsi nous rencontrons des points de lumière, mais aussi des trompeurs dans ce monde plein de tentations et d’obstacles.

Certaines personnes sont des phares, d’autres sont des rochers.
Et vous devez apprendre à les reconnaître tous les deux de manière égale.
Un à guider,
l’autre à éviter.
Gardez votre cœur ouvert sur les phares
et ton œil de tête sur les rochers,

tu n’y vas plus.

Donna Ashworth

Some people are lighthouses, some people are rocks.

The different personalities we encounter in life appear very different and also wish to take a different position in the world, thus we encounter points of light, but also deceivers in this world that is full of temptations and obstacles.

* Some people are lighthouses, some people are s. And you must learn to recognise them both equally. One to be guided by, the other to avoid.Keep …

Some people are lighthouses, some people are rocks.

Light rekindled by a spark

« At times our own light goes out and
is rekindled by a spark from another person.
Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude
of those who have lighted the flame within us. »
– Albert Schweitzer

 In darkness there is no choice.
It is light that enables us to see the differences between things;
and it is Christ who gives us light.
– Mrs. C. T. Whitemell

« Nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket,
but on the lampstand,
and it gives light to all who are in the house.
Let your light shine before men in such a way
that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father who is in heaven. »
Matthew 5:15-16


Dear God,
be for me a beacon
give that the flame of love in Christ may continue to burn in me,
and that the fire of the belief will continue to burn
and by others will light the fire
to be a lasting beacon light
for Your Kingdom to be found and to be entered.



  1. Prayer for our meeting to save something bigger than us
  2. A beacon to be placed