A meeting place to share peace and love with each other

Love, peace, gathering, greeting
Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com

As imitators of Jesus Christ, we try to obtain wisdom from above. For us, the most important thing is that all members of our community feel willing to obey the laws or commandments of God and the regulations of Christ Jesus.

“Wisdom that comes from above is pure above all, but also peaceful, accommodating, saying, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, unfeigned;” (James 3:17)

Jesus asked his apostles to go out to towns and cities to bring the Good News. There they had to find someone to stay with. And where they were warmly received they had to be friendly and could wish peace to those where they were welcome. It was in such places where they obtained shelter that they could spread the faith further. Likewise, we can consider ourselves fortunate that we can contact a family to discuss our faith further. We wish that family peace.

“11 In whatever city or village you come, examine who is the most worthy; and remain with him until you travel again. 12 When you enter that house, it brings your greeting. 13 And if the house is worthy, your peace descends upon it; if not, your peace returns to you.” (Matthew 10:11-13)

All too soon, when we get in somewhere, we forget to say:

« Shalom » [‘Shalom aleikhem!’]


« Peace be upon you! »

However, it is important that we wish each other peace.

“Peace to you, peace to your family, peace to all who belong to you!” (1 Samuel 25:6)

Within the walls between which we can find ourselves there must be love and peace. It is in such sheltered places that we must find each other as brothers and sisters.

“7 Peace be within your walls, Hail within your fortresses! 8 For my brethren and friends I pray peace on you;” (Psalms 122:7-8)

“5 When you enter a house, first say, Peace to this house! 6 And if a child of peace dwells there, your peace will rest on him; if not, he will return to you.” (Luke 10:5-6)

In the house or temple where we are welcome to meet, adults and children, baptised and unbaptised can find each other in peace and taste the love that brothers in Christ share among themselves. For the baptised act as envoys of the Nazarene teacher, Jeshua ben Josef (Jesus Christ) who is lord over us. We ask all around us to reconcile with God while they still can.

“This is the word he proclaimed to the children of Israel. when he brought the glad message of peace through Jesus Christ, He is the lord of allen.” (Acts 10:36)

“So in Christ’’s name we act as envoys, as if God himself admonishes us. In Christ’’s name we beg you: Rejoice with God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)

“For if we are reconciled to God by the death of His son, when we were enemies, how much more shall we be saved by his life, now that we have been reconciled to him.” (Romans 5:10)

“to reconcile both with God in one Body through the piece of wood, and thus kill the enmity.” (Ephesians 2:16)

“, however, I hope to see you soon, and then we will speak from mouth to mouth. (1-15) Peace be to you! The friends greet you. Greet the friends one by one!” (3 John 1:14)

Greetings among themselves is a sign of kinship and love for each other. Being together with such a feeling of trust and community means that we also pay attention to each other to encourage love and right works.

“23 Let us cling unwaveringly to the confession of hope; for He who made the promise is faithful. 24 Let us watch one another, to provoke us to love and good works; 25 do not neglect community life, as some tend to do; but admonish one another, all the more, as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:23-25)

If we truly love the entire community of brothers, we will find that we cannot separate ourselves from them. Even though we may be in a very small community or house church, there remains that connection with other brothers and sisters around the world. Love always seeks the object of her affection; she cannot remain alone.

We must also open the doors to all those who would find us and show that Christadelphians are welcome. Those who want to come visit us must feel that we are not excluding anyone. We must deal with all who pass by, and do so with positive thoughts, to do good to others, to be beneficial and not just to be personally favoured by just wanting to receive.

Coming together in an ecclesia, be it a house church, kingdom hall, hall or temple, we must make everyone feel that we are open to receiving and receiving them. In that space of meeting we must be fully open to growing in appreciation for each other.


Previously published articles in line with this topic:

  1. Expulsion from the paradise garden
  2. The greatest gift that can come to us
  3. Infant baptism versus baptism as an adult #2 The teenage baptism
  4. Essential Knowledge for the Baptismal Candidate #3 About Life and Death
  5. What are the obligations for a Christian?
  6. Paul’s exhortation to unity in love
  7. Peace is our gift to each other
  8. Brothers and sisters as one family



Additional articles

  1. Letter to a Non-Christian Nation
  2. Diligence – Life – Light – Love
  3. It’s Time real lovers of God to Stand and Speak Out!
  4. World full of suffering
  5. God Watches
  6. Wishing to do the will of God
  7. Doubting the reality, genuineness and effectiveness of God’s love
  8. Behold, My mother and My brothers!
  9. To develop a peaceful state of mind
  10. Obeying the King
  11. How do you find peace through Jesus
  12. Charis Shalom
  13. A peaceable habitation and safe dwellings
  14. Those who make peace should plant peace like a seed
  15. Surrendering, saying you are sorry, that is the only way out of a hole
  16. #Peace . . . Yes there still is the time to turn around!
  17. High time to show the way to peace
  18. Mishmash of a legal code but importance of mitzvah or commandments
  19. A Royal Rule given to followers of Christ
  20. Comments to James remarks, about Faith and works
  21. From those preaching the Gospel and Baptism in Jesus name
  22. Advertising the Truth
  23. Preach
  24. Preaching as Public Speaking
  25. Bible Students and House Churches
  26. Matthew 21:12-14 – From a den of thieves to a house of prayer
  27. A Society pleading poverty

Opening Remarks at the Service for Unity in Our Faith Community

God is love.
In Him we may live, move and be.
Inspired by this love, we remember Jesus,
who prayed several times to his heavenly Father as an example.

Jesus prayed to the Father
that we might all be one
and share in his joy.

Let us then gather as one community,
as children of the same Father,
around his Word and table
to joyfully celebrate service to God.

Paul’s exhortation to unity in love

Bible reading English



“1  Paul, apostle of Christ Jesus, by God’s will, and Timotheus the brother, 2 to the holy and faithful brethren in Christ which [are] in Colosse. Grace to you and peace from God our Father [and Lord Jesus Christ].” (Colossians 1:1-2 Darby)

“7 even as ye learned from Epaphras our beloved fellow-bondman, who is a faithful minister of Christ for you, 8 who has also manifested to us your love in [the] Spirit.

9  For this reason *we* also, from the day we heard [of your faith and love], do not cease praying and asking for you, to the end that ye may be filled with the full knowledge of his will, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, 10 [so as] to walk worthily of the Lord unto all well-pleasing, bearing fruit in every good work, and growing by the true knowledge of God; 11 strengthened with all power according to the might of his glory unto all endurance and longsuffering with joy;
12 ¶giving thanks to the Father, who has made us fit for sharing the portion of the saints in light,” (Colossians 1:7-12 Darby)

“20 and by him to reconcile all things to itself, having made peace by the blood of his cross  — by him, whether the things on the earth or the things in the heavens. 21 And you, who once were alienated and enemies in mind by wicked works, yet now has it reconciled” (Colossians 1:20-21 Darby)

“if indeed ye abide in the faith founded and firm, and not moved away from the hope of the glad tidings, which ye have heard, which have been proclaimed in the whole creation which [is] under heaven, of which *I* Paul became minister.” (Colossians 1:23 Darby)

“whom *we* announce, admonishing every man, and teaching every man, in all wisdom, to the end that we may present every man perfect in Christ.” (Colossians 1:28 Darby)

“2 to the end that their hearts may be encouraged, being united together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to [the] full knowledge of the mystery of God; 3 in which are hid all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge.” (Colossians 2:2-3 Darby)

“6 As therefore ye have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, walk in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, and assured in the faith, even as ye have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:6-7 Darby)

“11 in whom also ye have been circumcised with circumcision not done by hand, in the putting off of the body of the flesh, in the circumcision of the Christ; 12 buried with him in baptism, in which ye have been also raised with [him] through faith of the working of God who raised him from among the dead.” (Colossians 2:11-12 Darby)

“13  And you, being dead in offences and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, he has quickened together with him, having forgiven us all the offences; 14 having effaced the handwriting in ordinances which [stood out] against us, which was contrary to us, he has taken it also out of the way, having nailed it to the cross;” (Colossians 2:13-14 Darby)

“1  If therefore ye have been raised with the Christ, seek the things [which are] above, where the Christ is, sitting at [the] right hand of God: 2 have your mind on the things [that are] above, not on the things [that are] on the earth; 3 for ye have died, and your life is hid with the Christ in God. 4 When the Christ is manifested who [is] our life, then shall *ye* also be manifested with him in glory.” (Colossians 3:1-4 Darby)

“5  Put to death therefore your members which [are] upon the earth, fornication, uncleanness, vile passions, evil lust, and unbridled desire, which is idolatry. 6 On account of which things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 7 In which *ye* also once walked when ye lived in these things.

8  But now, put off, *ye* also, all [these] things, wrath, anger, malice, blasphemy, vile language out of your mouth. 9 Do not lie to one another, having put off the old man with his deeds, 10 and having put on the new, renewed into full knowledge according to [the] image of him that has created him; 11 wherein there is not Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bondman, freeman; but Christ [is] everything, and in all.” (Colossians 3:5-11 Darby)

“12  Put on therefore, as [the] elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, longsuffering; 13 forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any should have a complaint against any; even as the Christ has forgiven you, so also [do] *ye*. 14 And to all these [add] love, which is the bond of perfectness.” (Colossians 3:12-14 Darby)

“15 And let the peace of Christ preside in your hearts, to which also ye have been called in one body, and be thankful. 16 Let the word of the Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another, in psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to God. 17 And everything, whatever ye may do in word or in deed, [do] all things in [the] name of [the] Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father by him.” (Colossians 3:15-17 Darby)

“23 Whatsoever ye do, labour at it heartily, as [doing it] to the Lord, and not to men; 24 knowing that of [the] Lord ye shall receive the recompense of the inheritance; ye serve the Lord Christ.” (Colossians 3:23-24 Darby)

“2  Persevere in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving; 3 praying at the same time for us also, that God may open to us a door of the word to speak the mystery of Christ, on account of which also I am bound, 4 to the end that I may make it manifest as I ought to speak.” (Colossians 4:2-4 Darby)

“[Let] your word [be] always with grace, seasoned with salt, [so as] to know how ye ought to answer each one.” (Colossians 4:6 Darby)



  1. ColossiansAn Exhortation for Unity in Love #1 Separation from the world
  2. Colossians – An Exhortation for Unity in Love #2 Completeness of the united Body of Christ
  3. Colossians – An Exhortation for Unity in Love #3 Living the Truth
  4. Colossians – An Exhortation for Unity in Love #4 Speaking the truth
  5. Colossians – An Exhortation for Unity in Love #5 Unity of believers – Expressed in words
  6. Colossians – An Exhortation for Unity in Love #6 Care of the saints

Colossians – An Exhortation for Unity in Love #2 Completeness of the united Body of Christ

Continuation of: Colossians – An Exhortation for Unity in Love #1 Separation from the world

Chapter 2 – The Completeness of the united Body of Christ

One of the themes that we noticed in Chapter 1, is that of the Body of Christ, and how individual members might become part of it. So we read:

“He is the head of the Body, the ecclesia: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the pre-eminence. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell” (Col. 1:18-19).

Chapter 2 takes up this theme of “fullness” dwelling in Messiah, emphasising the completeness of his united body:

“in him (that is, Christ) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power” (v 9).

The fullness, or completeness of God dwells in Christ, who is

“the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person” (Heb 1:3)

and we, being baptised into him (v 12) ought also to be complete in him. Nothing else needs to be added, for any deficiency
(and there are many) in the constituent members thereof are forgiven, because of the perfection of their Master with whom they are at one, being

“knit together in love” (v 2),

in a mutual acceptance of the Gospel of Truth.

But there were those who sought to impose the ordinances of the Law to the Gospel. These Judaisers comprised the Apostasy in Paul’s day, and sought to add to the Gospel, by imposing a burden that neither they, nor previous generations could not bear (Acts 15:10). So it was, that as the apostle exhorted the Galatians, the believers were to

“stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” (Gal 5:1).

In these things, there is a need to recognise that there is a “fullness” in Christ, and his sacrifice for our sins. There is no need for anything to be added to it, for it to become efficacious. In our days, we don’t have Judaisers in just the same way, but their spirit of wanting to add something to make Christ’s sacrifice efficacious is present. For instance, there are those who insist on having unleavened bread, in order for our memorial meeting together to be acceptible – and there are those who insist on using leavened bread. But

“meat commendeth us not to God” (1 Cor. 8:8),

and the real danger of both positions is not to do with literal bread and how it is made – it is rather the notion that the saving
extent and nature of Christ’s sacrifice is limited according to what bread is used.
Again, there are those who believe it is necessary to have a direct bestowal of the Holy Spirit in order to be saved. The same problem remains: not only is it encouraging folk to have a false hope in something the Father does not provide in this dispensation, it limits the Sacrifice of Christ, by saying that something else (i.e. the Holy Spirit) is needed in addition to it. But the true situation is that we are “complete” in Christ, meaning that nothing else is needed to be saved, aside from our faith and obedient trust in him.

The means by which the Ecclesial body is held together, is said to be the unifying power of love:

“… that their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love …” (Col. 2:2).

The allusion here, is to the circumstances of David and Jonathan, described in 1 Samuel chapter 18:

“and it came to pass, when he [i.e. David] had made an end of speaking to Saul, that the soul of
Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul (1 Sam. 18:1).

When we consider the intimate relationship between these two men of faith, we behold a love that was “wonderful, passing the love of women” (2 Sam. 1:13). There are those who would degrade that wonderful love into a carnal relationship – but quite plainly such do not know the sweet love and fellowship that exists amongst Christ’s brethren, who are of like precious faith.
The Unity of the Truth Holders is the greatest defence for the household of faith. Our Lord taught that

“every city or house divided against itself shall not stand” (Mat 12:25),

and similarly, his Apostle exhorted:

“if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another” (Gal 5:15).

We truly live in “perilous times” (2Tim 3:1), and there is no time for there to be “wars and fightings” (Jas 4:1) amongst the members of Christ’s Ecclesia. Rather than to contend against one another, the body ought to be one

“in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ” (Eph 4:13).

The various members thereof ought to

“exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any … be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” (Heb 3:13),

rather than to devour one another through petty squabbles emanating from those who seek to exalt themselves above measure. To be united in a “full assurance” of the revealed things of Truth is just as needful in our day, as ever before that the faith may be earnestly contended for (Jude 3) in the face of false brethren who would seek to beguile us by the enticing words of the world’s philosophy.



  1. We must be faithful to God
  2. What is expected of a Christadelphian?
  3. Participants bonded together into one body
  4. Baptised believers left in the world to use


Additional reading

  1. This Sunday Looking at Colossians ch 2
  2. When you believe Jesus is God: who do you think is the mediator? #2 Firstborn from the dead our advocate
  3. Congregate, to gather, to meet
  4. Missional hermeneutics 4/5
  5. Atonement And Fellowship 1/8
  6. Atonement And Fellowship 2/8
  7. Atonement And Fellowship 3/8
  8. Atonement And Fellowship 4/8
  9. Atonement And Fellowship 5/8
  10. Atonement And Fellowship 6/8
  11. Atonement And Fellowship 7/8
  12. Atonement And Fellowship 8/8
  13. Matthew 7:13-14 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The True Disciple #1 The Narrow Gate and the way to destruction
  14. Matthew 24:42-51 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Stay Awake!
  15. Bread and Wine
  16. Compassion and Discipline
  17. Fellowship
  18. Integrity of the fellowship
  19. Character transformed by the influence of our fellowships
  20. Belonging to or being judged by
  21. Possibility to live
  22. Six Reasons Young Christians Leave Church
  23. Making sure to be ready and to belong to the escaped ones
  24. Forming a Christian bond
  25. Church indeed critical in faith development
  26. Intentions of an Ecclesia
  27. A participation in the body of Christ
  28. Reasons why you may not miss the opportunity to go to a Small Church
  29. As a small church needing encouragement
  30. 3 Reasons Why You Should Go To A Small Church
  31. Challenge to our existing fellowship outside Christ
  32. Today’s thought July 11 Reading 3 – Matthew 12:50
  33. Today’s Thought: Rights and privileges
  34. Today’s Thought: Rich men and the kingdom
  35. Building the Body
  36. Fellowship Matters – Thoughts on Fellowship and Ecclesial Membership
  37. Sunday Observance
  38. A particular night to share unleavened bread and red wine
  39. Today’s thought “They flattered … they lied” (February 14)
  40. Today’s thought “Clothing yourselves with the right attitude” (May 16)
  41. Today’s Thought “Refresh my heart in Christ” (May 29)
  42. Today’s Thought: Go, tell my brethren (July 27)
  43. Today’s thought (September 05): “Bringing holiness to completion”
  44. Today’s thought “Rooted and built up in him” (November 14)

Colossians – An Exhortation for Unity in Love #1 Separation from the world


The New Testament portion of our daily reading plan (The Bible Companion) brings us to consider the Epistle penned by the Spirit through Paul to the ecclesia at Colosse.
This Epistle covers many aspects of the believer’s walk though life, weaving many themes together to produce a delightful
tapestry of colour and beauty designed to provoke and exhort believers to a faithful servitude for Christ. As we come to prepare our minds for the partaking of the emblems of bread and wine, it seems appropriate to select the main theme of each chapter by way of exhortation and comfort in a day of evil.

Chapter 1 – Separation from the world

The First Chapter alludes to the events that came upon Israel at the time of their deliverance from Egypt. Israel left Egypt in the darkness of night, following the angelic slaying of the Egyptian Firstborn. In a similar way, it is said that we are delivered from the darkness of a Gentile night, by the slaying of Yahweh’s Firstborn.

So Colossians chapter 1 speaks of our Father:

“Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through this blood … He is the head of the body, the ecclesia: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead …” (Col. 1:13,18).

Notice the difference however, the Firstborn of Egypt were slain as Yahweh’s judgment against the power of Sin – they died, and shall not rise again. But Messiah is Yahweh’s Firstborn, being the first to rise from the dead into glorious incorruptibility.

With Christ being the firstborn from the dead, we can have great hope and comfort, for it is written concerning the Resurrection:

“as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming” (1 Cor. 15:22-23).

There is a powerful exhortation provided when we consider these things. Elsewhere, Israel’s departure from Egypt is again compared with our deliverance from the world:

“Moreover brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea: and were all baptised into Moses in the cloud and in the sea … now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition …” (1 Cor. 10:1-2, 11)

Here is the exhortation:

Our separateness from the world must match Israel’s separateness from Egypt. As they gathered on the shores of the sea there seemed to be no escape, humanly speaking.

They were being pursued by death – the Egyptian army – there was no going back. They had to trust in Yahweh’s ability to deliver them – and it was so. Under Divine command, by the lifting up of Moses’ rod, the sea departed on either side, enabling the people to go forward, through the waters into a new life that lay ahead of them in the land of promise. Even so, we descendants of Adam, a dying sinner, are pursued by death and mortal weakness all the days of our lives. But a way of salvation has been provided, through the lifting up of Messiah upon the cross, and through the waters of baptism into His Saving Name (cp. Romans 6). Once we recognise that the only way of salvation is to pass through those waters, we also realise that there is no going back – there is nothing but death behind – but deliverance lies ahead. It is this knowledge that enables us to endure the difficulties of our wilderness journey. Again alluding to Israel’s deliverance, we read:

“There is no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it” (1 Cor. 10:13).

Israel had no way to avoid certain death – but with their trial, there came deliverance, albeit in a most unexpected way. So they passed though the waters,

“which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned” (Heb. 11:29).

Leaving death behind them in the destruction of those who had the power of death, they were to walk forward to take up their inheritance – yet how tragic it was that the word preached concerning their inheritance

“was not mixed with faith in them that heard it” (Heb. 3:2).

But what of us? Do we walk, however faltering, through the wilderness of life, along the narrow Way to take up our inheritance – or will we grow faint and faithless on our journey? The choice is ours.



  1. Faithful to God are baptised
  2. Baptised offering unity to the unbaptised
  3. Jesus high priestly prayer for unity
  4. Oneness with Christ is like glue that ought to hold us together


Additional reading

  1. When you believe Jesus is God: who do you think is the mediator? #2 Firstborn from the dead our advocate
  2. The son of man given authority by God
  3. Being one in Jesus, Jesus in us and God in Jesus
  4. Unity
  5. Preparation for unity
  6. Commitment to Christian unity
  7. Being Religious and Spiritual 7 Transcendence to become one
  8. Avoiding friction and distraction in the body of Christ
  9. Thought for today (January 17): Walking not after the flesh, but after the spirit
  10. Atonement And Fellowship 7/8
  11. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them
  12. Call for prayer to help with unity crisis
  13. Be Honest
  14. The Ecclesia
  15. Today’s thought “The Land promised and fear of man” (April 18)
  16. Today’s thought “prepare the roads for yourself and divide for the way to peace with Cities of Refuge” (May 02)
  17. Today’s thought “Let the word … dwell in you richly” (May 16)

Baptised believers left in the world to use


In the previous chapter we have seen how Jesus prayed for unity among his followers whom he saw as people entrusted to him.

Jesus said in his prayer to God that his disciples, belong to his Heavenly Father and will be reflected in him.

« All mine is yours, and yours is mine; I am glorified in them. »(John 17: 10 Book)

« All That Is Mine Is Yours, and All That Is Yours Is Mine. They reflect who I am. »(John 17: 10 Book)

Jesus also asks that the disciples be one, just as the father and he Are One, and Jesus is one with his followers.

« I leave the world and come to you, but they still remain in the world. Holy Father, protect In Your Name those whom you have given me, so that they may be one like us. »(John 17: 11 Book)

Being « left behind » in this world, we need that protection from God. In our community, we need to stand up for each other. Together we must form one strong community that provides shelter for those who have not yet been baptised. We must show them that we are best formed by the word of God. By believing in that word we can gain knowledge and be purified.

« Make them pure and holy by teaching them in your word of truth. »(John 17: 17 Book)

For this, we have the master teacher in whom we have all confidence and recognize as our high priest.

26 therefore he is exactly the High Priest we need: he is holy, blameless, and undefiled; he has been set apart from sinners and has been given the highest place in the heavens. 27 ordinary high priests need the blood of sacrificial animals every day to cover their own sins and those of the people. But Jesus Christ once and for all erased all sins when he sacrificed himself on the cross. »(Hebrews 7:26-27 Book)

Through Christ’s act of sacrifice, everyone has been given the opportunity to be delivered from The Curse of death. Jesus did not ask God to take away the believers from the world, but rather to use them in the world. As Jesus was sent into the world, now the believers who have surrendered to Christ Jesus have also received the same commission as Jesus had. Jesus has given us the same task, namely to go out into the world.

« I am sending them into the world, just as you sent me into the world. »(John 17:18 Book)

«  »Peace! »said Jesus. « As the father sent me, so I send you. » »(John 20:21 Book)

« Therefore, go forth to make all nations My disciples. Baptize them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to always do what I have told you. » (Matthew 28:19 Book)

« For you must teach others what I have taught you and many others. Teach these great truths to reliable men, who, in turn, can pass them on to others. » (2 Timothy 2:2 Book)

We can now open our community to all who want to come to us or are curious about our teachings. By being open, we can give all our visitors the opportunity to see that we are committed to following the Bible. Then they can be convinced that this collection is our guide and that we are a community that does not adhere to church dogmas but only to the provisions and doctrinal rules specified in the Bible.

Even though we have not seen the signs of Jesusexecution and have not experienced His resurrection and ascension, we are convinced that these miracles have taken place. The record in the Book of books is enough for us to believe and spread the good news.

30 many of the miracles Jesus performed before his disciples are not recorded in this book. 31 I have written some of these so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God. If you believe in him, you live in his name. »(John 20: 30-31 Book)

It was Jesus ‘ great desire that his disciples should become one. He wanted them to be united as a powerful testimony to the reality of God’s love.

Forming a community together, we must now be ready to bring others to God. As brothers and sisters of each other and of Christ, we must share together the love of Christ. To family and friends, wherever we go, we must proclaim what Jesus and his God have done.

« Go to your family, « he said, » and tell them what God has done for you. »The man went everywhere in the city to tell what Jesus had done for him. »(Luke 8:39 Book)

19  » go home, « he said, » to your family and friends and tell them what God has done for you, how good he has been for you. 20 the man went out and told all over the Decapolis region what Jesus had done for him. Everyone listened to him in amazement. »(Mark 5:19-20 Book)

Only baptised persons may sit at the Lord’s table. But those who are allowed to sit can help others to see that they too will be allowed to partake of the bread and wine, if they want to surrender to God and confirm this for the community with their baptism. In this way, the community must grow into a place where many will be able to be partakers, and thereby confirm their faith that Jesus has surrendered for them.

In unity we will be able to meet so regularly, to encourage each other and together to remember Jesus dead.

« We should not stay away from our meetings. Some make a habit of that, but that’s not good. We must encourage and warn one another, especially now that we see that it will not be long before the Lord Jesus returns. »(Hebrews 10: 25 Book)

« For every time you eat of this bread and drink from the cup, you confirm that the Lord has died. Do this until he comes back. »(1 Corinthians 11:26 Book)



  1. Jesus high priestly prayer for unity
  2. Faithful to God are baptised
  3. Baptised offering unity to the unbaptised
  4. Our first baptisms in our brand new ecclesia
  5. Why were Catholics not allowed to take communion during the baptismal service
  6. Brothers and sisters as one family
  7. Lord God let us come together and grow


Additional reading

  1. Concerning Christ #2 Divine source, connection and divine human being
  2. Authority given to him To give eternal life
  3. Atonement And Fellowship 7/8
  4. Live by Faith
  5. The Church is Under Attack…
  6. Christians remaining hidden not sharing the gospel
  7. Religion and the essence of devotion
  8. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them
  9. The Involvement of true discipleship
  10. Testify of the things heard
  11. Bringing Good News into the world
  12. Jehovah’s Witnesses not only group that preach the good news
  13. Avoiding friction and distraction in the body of Christ
  14. Being Religious and Spiritual 7 Transcendence to become one
  15. Preparation for unity
  16. Looking for True Spirituality 7 Preaching of the Good News
  17. Time for this and that
  18. Preaching by example
  19. Witnessing because we love

Jesus high priestly prayer for unity

Bible reading English

Quotes from God’s Word.

“1  Jesus spoke these things, and then raising his eyes heavenward, he said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son so that the Son may glorify You, 2 just as You have given authority to him over all flesh, in order that all You have given to him, he will give them endless Life. 3 But, this is the endless Life–that they may continue to know You, the only True God, and the One whom You sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:1-3 MHM)

“6  “I manifested Your Name to the men whom You gave me from out of the world of humankind. To You they belonged, and You gave them to me, and they have observed Your Word. 7 Now they know that all the things, everything You gave to me, came from You. 8 Because the Sayings that You gave to me, I have given to them–and they accepted [them] –and for a certainty they realize that I came out from next to You. And they believed that You sent me forth.

9 I am making a request regarding them. I am not making a request regarding the world of humankind, but rather those [apostles] You have given to me. 10 Because they belong to You, and all my things are Yours, and Yours are mine. Also, I have been glorified in their midst.”” (John 17:6-10 MHM)

““Soon I will no longer be in the world of humankind. They will remain in the world of humankind, and I am returning toward You. Holy Father, watch over them because of Your Name which You have given to me.” (John 17:11 MHM)

“15 “I am not requesting that You should lift them up out of the world, but rather that You should watch over them because of the Wicked One. 16 These [apostles] are not from out of the world of humankind, just as I am not from out of the world of humankind.

17  Sanctify them in the Truth. Your Word is the Truth. 18 Just as You sent me forth into the world of humankind, I am also sending them forth into the world of humankind.” (John 17:15-18 MHM)

“20  “I am not making request regarding just these [apostles] –but also those believing in me by means of their word– 21 so that all of these [apostles] may be one just as You, Father, [are] in me and I in You, so that they may also be one in us, that the world of humankind may believe You sent me forth.” (John 17:20-21 MHM)

“22 Also, the glory You have given to me I have given to them, so that they may be one just as we are one– 23 I in them and You in me, so that they may be perfected into one–so the world of humankind my know that You sent me forth, and You loved them just as You loved me.” (John 17:22-23 MHM)

“25 Righteous Father, the world of humankind never knew You, but I knew You, also these [apostles] knew You sent me forth. 26 And I have made Your Name known to them, and I shall make it known further, so the love which You loved me may be in them, and I in them.”” (John 17:25-26 MHM)




Baptised offering unity to the unbaptised

Baptised offering unity to the unbaptised

After some members were baptised, they left the unbaptised with questions. Those who have undergone baptism can now count themselves among Christ’s brethren. For them, Jesus has given assurance that they may look forward to a life without end if they continue to seek the truth and constantly absorb knowledge.

« Now this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Him whom Thou hast sent, Jesus Christ. » (John 17:3).

Jesus made God’s Name public to those whom Jehovah gave him. Here in our ecclesia, too, we find those who were allowed to hear the Word of God and took it for true. They have taken Jesus’ words for true, recognising him as the representative of That One True God, Jehovah the Most High.

« 7 Now they know that all that You have given me is from You. 8 For I brought to them the words which Thou hast given me; they accepted them, acknowledging truthfully that I came forth from Thee, and believing that Thou hast sent me. » (John 17:7-8)

Through baptism, the new members have dedicated themselves to God and are those for whom Jesus now also prays and also hands them over to his father.

« 9 I pray for them; I pray not for the world, but for them which Thou hast given me, because they are thine. 10 All mine are thine, and thine are mine; I am glorified in them. » (John 17:9-10)

Left behind in the world, the baptised like the other brothers and sisters in Christ need His help in addition to God’s blessing. Jesus also expects them to be one as he and his heavenly Father are one.

« Henceforth I am no longer in the world; but they remain in the world, while I come to You. Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me; that they may be one, as we are. » (John 17:11)

« I and the Father are one. » (John 10:30)

Now there are the covenants in the ecclesia who are one. But there is also the hope that those who have not yet taken the steps to be baptised, by full immersion in the purifying water, that these may be drawn by the faith and communion of the brothers and sisters present in Christ. They too, need the blessing of God and for them the baptised pray that they too will be allowed to be « sanctified » or set apart.

« For God has not called us to uncleanness, but to holiness. » (1 Thessalonians 4:7)

« By virtue of that will, we have been sanctified once and for all through the Sacrifice of the Body of Jesus Christ. » (Hebrews 10:10)

To this end, we remember Jesus words:

« 20 I pray not for them alone, but also for all who believe in me through their word. 21 May they all be one, as Thou, Father, art in me, and I in Thee; may they also be one in Us, that the world may have faith that Thou hast sent me. 22 And the glory which thou hast given me, I also have given to them, that they may be one, even as We are one: 23 I in them, and Thou in me.
May they possess perfect unity, that the world may recognise that thou hast sent me, and that thou hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

24 Father, I desire that they whom thou hast given me may be with me, where I myself am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me, because thou hast loved me before the foundation of the world. 25 Just Father, though the world has not known thee, yet I have known thee; and they have recognised that thou hast sent me. 26 I have made Your name known to them, and will continue to do so, that the love with which You have loved me may be in them, and I in them. » (John 17:20-26)

Now there are the baptised to further make Jesus known, and to show those who still belong to the world, the true path by which they will come to follow Jesus, so that those who present the wrong path will be exposed so that the truly interested will not be led to death.

« Sometimes one keeps a way for the straight, Which finally ends in death. » (Proverbs 16:25)

« Jesus spake unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. » (John 14:6)

It is now up to the baptised to show their relatives and friends the right door, so that God’s blessing may come upon them too and they will know how to find a safe haven.

« I am the door: if anyone enters by me, he shall be safe, going in and out, and shall find pasture. » (John 10:9)

« Through him we have gained access by faith to this grace, in which we have become firmly established; through him also we glory in the hope of the glory of God. » (Romans 5:2)

« For by him we both have access to the Father in one Spirit. » (Ephesians 2:18)

 » – a new and living way, which he has made for us through the veil, that of his flesh, » (Hebrews 10:20)



  1. Prayer for our gathering to save something greater than ourselves
  2. God’s Words for the pilgrimage #2 Words of God for life
  3. A pilgrimage not exactly without hurdles or obstacles #3 Availability, encounters and exposure to change
  4. Faithful to God are baptised
  5. Feeling at home in a church or not
  6. What it means to belong to a family
  7. What does it mean to belong to a church congregation
  8. Participants uniting into one body


Find also to read

  1. Be Honest
  2. When believing in God’s existence and His son, possessing a divine legislation
  3. Concerning Christ #2 Divine source, connection and divine human being
  4. Concerning the saying: I and the Father are one
  5. Faith coming by hearing and sent preacher gift from God
  6. Authority given to him To give eternal life
  7. Atonement And Fellowship 4/8
  8. Atonement And Fellowship 6/8
  9. Atonement And Fellowship 7/8
  10. How to Go Forward without Fear
  11. Religion and the essence of devotion
  12. Outflow of foundational relationship based on acceptance of Jesus
  13. A participation in the body of Christ
  14. One Mind, One Accord
  15. a Strong Family doesn’t just happen
  16. A participation in the body of Christ
  17. Preparation for unity
  18. Maintaining unity of Spirit in the bond of peace becoming one with God
  19. Manifests for believers #5 Christian Union
  20. Commitment to Christian unity
  21. Observance of the Lord’s Evening Meal
  22. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them
  23. To whom do we want to be enslaved
  24. Being one in Jesus, Jesus in us and God in Jesus
  25. 1st thought for today “The world may be wicked” (January 16)
  26. Today’s thought “It is shameful for a woman to …” (March 1)
  27. Today’s thought “Gather into one the children of God” (April 18)
  28. Today’s thought “… and learn from me” (July 10)
  29. Today’s Thought (August 31): In your thinking be mature
  30. Today’s thought “Speaking the truth in love” (October 6)
  31. Concerning the Spiritual Body
  32. One of the most important Truths
  33. New Covenant Possesses
  34. Quibbling siblings united or allied children of an organisation or a church
  35. Let us become nothing, and Christ everything
  36. Importance of Tikkun olam
  37. United people under Christ
  38. Commitment to Christian unity
  39. En Soma: One Body
  40. Unity
  41. Unity doesn’t mean uniformity
  42. Jewish and Gentile Disciples
  43. Difficulty in getting new young members
  44. Ecclesia – Church – Minding your reference
  45. The Ecclesia
  46. Ecclesia to exist, grow and communities to have people communicating with each other

Reason enough to be baptised and become a member of our community

Foto door Julia Filirovska op Pexels.com

When we talk to several people, we discover how many people have many questions about faith and how many are not even really well aware of the doctrines or teachings of the church community in which they are baptized and of which they are members.

Catholic church,
Photo by Ivan Drau017eiu0107 on Pexels.com

In Great Britain, forty years ago it was not surprising to find several religious communities in villages. At that time there were a variety of churches there. In Belgium, on the other hand, there was not much diversity and in the villages there was usually only a Roman Catholic Church. Today, when many people and even on television in Flanders are heard talking about ‘the Church’, they usually mean the Catholic Church. Many are not even aware that there are still many subdivisions or denominations in that Catholic Church.

Nowadays, there are more Protestant churches in Belgium, compared to the last century. But when people talk about the Protestant church, they are more likely to talk about a collected set of Protestant churches, with the Belgian Protestant Church and the Pentecostal churches being the two most important, in addition to the evangelicals.

It is striking that among Protestant believers there are many more believers who know what the teachings of their community are. In those groups, no one will be found to deny the Trinity if they belong to a Trinitarian Protestant movement, unlike Catholics.

Over the years, there are more Catholics who are more aware that Jesus is the son of God. However, we also encounter Catholics who say that they believe that Jesus is not God but the son of God. They do not realise that this goes against Catholic teaching where it is taught that Jesus is god the son, assuming that God came to earth to deliver humanity from the curse of sin and death.

Papal permission from Clement IV in 1265 to sell indulgences for the construction of the Cathedral in Utrecht
Purgatory in the Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry

There are also many people who doubt any faith and are more likely to ask what it can bring them. People like what they do and get them something. Faith is no different.
The Catholic Church has always been a master at promising people everything. They used to go so far that people buy off their sins with indulgences. No one seemed to think that in such a case one could bribe God and that the rich could rather be remitted of temporary punishments (penitence) for sins, while people who were poor had to suffer longer in purgatory.

It is strange that those members of the traditional churches no longer asked their clergy about these matters and about the specificities of God and Jesus.

Thus one might ask:

  1. If God is an unchangeable eternal Spirit who no man can see, how could He appear as a man on the earth and be seen by several?
  2. If Jesus were God, why does he claim not to be a spirit, and can anyone who sees him continue to live while the Bible says that the man who sees God is dying?
  3. If God is a God who doesn’t lie, why does He claim that He knows everything and that Jesus is his son, who in turn says that he doesn’t know things, because it is only given to God to know those things?

Strange that those believers are satisfied as quickly as their spiritual leaders say that they cannot understand that, and that they should believe those many things as dogmas, even if they do not understand them.

The Catholic Church has succeeded in scaring people with many things for centuries, so that they would step in with that Catholic doctrine.

A neighbour I had suggested to come to our Anderlecht ecclesia was told by his Catholic Church that he would then commit a mortal sin.

Rather, we believe that those who continue to adhere to church rules of doctrine rather than Biblical rules that they will remain in the world of sinfulness and will not have a chance to enter God’s Kingdom.

If one wants to be able to go through the narrow gate of the Kingdom of God, we believe one would do well to live according to Biblical norms and teachings. Scripture is not as difficult to understand as many churches claim. If one reads the Bible carefully, one will gain sufficient insight to know which path to take.

Baptême, doop
The Baptism of Jesus Christ by Library of Congress is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

In this way one can also see that God is an Eternal Spirit and that Jesus is his beloved son who has put aside his own will to fully realize God’s Will. The 66 books that make up the Bible provide a clear insight into how things are going. If there are still many questions, it is up to the spiritual leaders of the churches to give an honest and effective answer.

In the Community of Brethren in Christ, believers are open to receive outsiders and assist them with counsel.

We do admit that certain activities, such as participation in bread and wine, are only permitted to be enjoyed by believers who have enjoyed a Biblical baptism. If one really wants to become a partaker of that memorial meal, the community is open to educating you in their faith and giving you the opportunity to be baptised by immersion in water, as a sign of surrender to God and as a sign of accession to our community of faith.



  1. What does the Bible say about baptism?
  2. Faithful to God are baptised
  3. The ready baptismal candidate
  4. Infant baptism versus baptism as an adult #4 Questions for the baptism candidate
  5. Questions to be posed by a baptism
  6. Finding faith formation and a baptismal place
  7. Prayer to God for the fulfillment of the baptismal candidates
  8. On to a baptismal ceremony
  9. Reception of Peter at Cornelius’ house and a baptism of Gentiles
  10. Those who chose a different path
  11. Our first baptisms in our brand-new ecclesia
  12. Reading at the May 5, 2024 baptism service
  13. Joyous news on 5 May 2024
  14. Congratulations for baptism
  15. Why were Catholics not allowed to take communion during baptismal service


Additional reading

  1. Only One God
  2. God is one
  3. Jesus son of God
  4. Jesus begotten Son of God #12 Son of God
  5. Jesus son of God or god the son
  6. Christ begotten through the power of the Holy Spirit
  7. Son of God perceived as failure
  8. Trinity matter
  9. Trinity – The Truth about God
  10. Trinity Behind a false doctrine
  11. Trinity history
  12. Trinitarians making their proof for existence of God look ridiculous #2
  13. God’s forgotten Word 6 Lost Lawbook 5 Heretics
  14. Living as a believer in Christ
  15. Antwerp Ecclesia
  16. Holland Week of billing


Further related

Why were Catholics not allowed to take communion during baptismal service

Church community - ecclesia - church service - communion - sharing of the bread
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.com

Sharing bread and wine only for baptized brothers and sisters

After the baptismal service I received a question from a young lady who was sad because she and others who were baptised were not allowed to share in the bread and wine.

By those other baptised people she meant Catholics. I tried to make it clear to her that there were two main reasons.

Infant baptism

Photo by Renjith Tomy Pkm on Pexels.com

In the Catholic faith, most are baptised as babies. This infant baptism is usually administered in the first days or weeks of a child’s life and it is assumed that this pouring with some water would wash off original sin, according to the church father Augustine. It is assumed that, according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, babies can be secured in such a way that they would die prematurely that they would not be doomed to have to burn in hell forever. (Children’s) baptism means (according to Catholic teaching) that one receives salvation and is incorporated into the church.

In the past, the Papal Church went so far that in the time of persecution and inquisition one had to choose either death or baptism.

Photo by Vladimir Chake on Pexels.com

However, during infant baptism, the child has never made the choice for God himself, but the parents or others have made that choice for the child.

However, it is important that everyone, when they have reached an age of consciousness, makes a conscious choice to want to be a child of God in Jesus’ name and to move in that direction of faith for this.

Adult baptism

Later in life, a person can decide for himself which way he wants to go.

The first Christians were always about an act of surrender to God, which could only be performed at an age of reason. Catholics and Reformants had the doom idea of hell in their heads and wanted to save the child from this. As a basis for infant baptism, they point out the covenant and God’s promise.

Believer’s baptism done by the mode of immersion, Northolt Park Baptist Church, in Greater London, Baptist Union of Great Britain, 2015, arms crossed over chest, with man and woman at either side

In our region, more Anabaptists and Baptists also emerged during the time of the Reformation, preaching an Only God and an adult baptism. The Baptist movement rejected infant baptism and advocated baptism after making a confession of faith. In the Netherlands, this idea was adhered to, among others, by Menno Simons, a Frisian ex-priest who became a Mennonite.

Photo by Jim Haskell on Pexels.com

The Baptists prefer to call their baptism ceremony baptism of faith because young people who are not yet adults, but already have sufficient insight into the Biblical Truth, can also be baptised on the basis of their faith. The Brothers in Christ or Christadelphians also assume that once a person can make a conscious choice and prove that he has sufficient insight into God’s Word and Teaching, he can surrender to God by allowing himself to be immersed in water, as a symbolic act of purification of past sins.

Participation in the memory of the Lord’s Supper

In most churches of the Christian faith one can only take communion if one has recognized and signed the confession of faith of that community.

Charles Borromeo gives communion to Aloysius Gonzaga (San Carlo al Corso in Milan)

In the Eastern Orthodox Churches and the Roman Catholic Church, the Last Supper is commemorated in the Eucharist, of which Holy Communion is a part.

In the Latin rite of the Catholic Church, only the consecrated host or Sacramental bread is awarded at communion, drinking from the chalice is usually reserved for the priest. On special occasions, believers may also take communion under two guises (host and wine from the chalice). The idea here is that one becomes one with Christ.

Also among the Christadelphians there is a memory with a « sacrificial meal » in which bread is broken and this is distributed as a symbol of Jesus’ body to all believers who have been baptized according to the Biblical conditions, namely complete immersions with a testimony of faith in only one God (Jehovah) and in His sent Saviour, Jesus Christ. The wine then symbolizes the shed blood of Christ, which may be consumed by the baptized believers, as a sign of forgiveness of sins through Jesus’ blood.

Why only limited participation

It may be strange for Christians from the Trinitarian faith communities that they are not allowed to sit down at the sacrificial table in the services of Christadelphians.

This is because the Christ the Christadelphians believe in is a different Christ from the one the Trinitarian Christians, such as Catholics, Anglicans, Reformed, et al, believe in. For those who believe in the Trinity, Jesus Christ is God who came to earth to redeem us.

For Christadelphians and other True Christians, such as Yeshuaists (or Jeshuaists) and members of The Abrahamic faith, the Church of God, Nazarene Friends, Witnesses of Jehovah, one can only be a participant at the table if one belongs among those who are part of the approved by God, or those who worship only Jehovah as the Only True God.

There is no middle ground for God. He only accepts true worship.

If you still like to join the table

During the baptism ceremony it was noticed that several attendees were convinced that Jesus is the son of God. But bad enough, they were convinced that their Catholic Church thought the same way and did not see Jesus as God. I encouraged them to ask their pastor or some priests from that church questions about this, so that they would gain a better understanding of the teachings of the Catholic Church.

If they are really convinced that Jesus is the son of God and not a god the son, they would be happy to erase whether they are in the right community of faith and whether it is not better to go outside and to God, wouldn’t it be better to join a church community that adheres to Biblical teachings?




  1. What does the Bible say about baptism?
  2. Faithful to God are baptised
  3. The ready baptismal candidate
  4. Infant baptism versus baptism as an adult #4 Questions for the baptism candidate
  5. Questions to be posed by a baptism
  6. Finding faith formation and a baptismal place
  7. Prayer to God for the fulfillment of the baptismal candidates
  8. On to a baptismal ceremony
  9. Reception of Peter at Cornelius’ house and a baptism of Gentiles
  10. Those who chose a different path
  11. Our first baptisms in our brand-new ecclesia
  12. Reading at the May 5, 2024 baptism service
  13. Joyous news on 5 May 2024
  14. Congratulations for baptism


Additional reading

  1. Only One God
  2. God is one
  3. Jesus son of God
  4. Jesus begotten Son of God #12 Son of God
  5. Jesus son of God or god the son
  6. Christ begotten through the power of the Holy Spirit
  7. Son of God perceived as failure
  8. Trinity matter
  9. Trinity – The Truth about God
  10. Trinity Behind a false doctrine
  11. Trinity history
  12. Trinitarians making their proof for existence of God look ridiculous #2
  13. Living as a believer in Christ
  14. To be prepared for the Day of Judgment
  15. Bible Teaching and Vital Doctrines to Discover
  16. How should we worship God? #11 New Life in Christ
  17. How should we worship God? #12 Renewing the Mind
  18. Caricature of ecclesial life in the twenty-first century
  19. Today’s thought “Cleansing of the leper under the Law” (March 7)
  20. Today’s thought “Because you did not believe” (April 5)
  21. Today’s thought “Everyone whom the Lord calls to himself” (April 26)
  22. Today’s thought “This day you have become …” (May 10)
  23. Today’s thought “Clothing yourselves with the right attitude” (May 16)
  24. Today’s Thought “Those who call on the Lord from a pure heart” (May 26)
  25. Today’s thought “… in vain do they worship me” (July 14)
  26. Today’s thought “If God be for us” (July 31)
  27. Today’s thought “You know neither the scriptures nor …” (August 17)
  28. Today’s thought “Things known from of old” (November 4)
  29. Today’s thought “Performing deeds in keeping with their repentance” (November 10)
  30. Sentiments Characteristic of the Apostasy
  31. Feeling-good, search for happiness and the church
  32. When not seeing or not finding a biblically sound church
  33. God’s forgotten Word 5 Lost Lawbook 4 The ‘Catholic’ church
  34. Chaff and the shoot out of the stock of Jesse
  35. A strange thing might happen when you come under Christ
  36. Being of good courage running the race
  37. An Agape In Action Spiritual Care Update: Baptisms
  38. Salvation, Baptism and Re-baptism
  39. Hebraic Roots Bible Book of The Acts of the Apostles Chapter 1
  40. Nazarene Commentary Matthew 3:1-6 – A Wilderness Baptist Prepares the Way
  41. Nazarene Commentary Mark 1:1-8 – The Beginning of the Good News
  42. Nazarene Commentary Luke 3:15-17 – The Baptisms of the One Coming
  43. Nazarene Commentary Luke 3:21-23 – The Baptism of Christ
  44. Matthew 23 – A Jeremiad against the religious hypocrites
  45. Ideas about Religiosity
  46. Meaning of Sacrifice
  47. Nazarene Commentary Matthew 4:1-4 A Wilderness Temptation
  48. Mark 10 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Mark 10:35-40 – Nespotism and Baptism
  49. June’s Survey – Baptism by immersion: Necessary for salvation?
  50. Is rebaptizing necessary
  51. Who Should Baptise?
  52. From those preaching the Gospel and Baptism in Jesus name
  53. A Look at some Watchtower publications about baptism
  54. Belief of the things that God has promised
  55. Many forgot how Christ should be our anchor and our focus
  56. God showing how far He is willing to go to save His children
  57. Asking to come under the Wings of GodMaking church
  58. Rebirth and belonging to a church
  59. United people under Christ
  60. Fr Paddy Byrne finds First communions and confirmations should be delayed
  61. Why baptism really matters – e-book
  62. Uprooted Baptists their new idea of baptism
  63. If one wants to be baptised
  64. Baptism in a Belgian smalltown swimming pool
  65. New baptisms on Easter day
  66. Those willing to tarnish
  67. What part of the Body am I?
  68. A Living Faith #9 Our Manner of Life
  69. A treasure which can give me everything I need
  70. Church has to grow through witness, not by proselytism
  71. A day without taking the symbols
  72. An ecclesia in your neighbourhood
  73. Seven days of Passover
  74. Communion and day of worship
  75. Do Christadelphians belong to Protestantism


Related articles

  1. What Is This All About?
  2. For Christians (And Everyone Else) With A Better Idea Than The Bible
  3. Rearranging Words to Create Scripture
  4. What We Believe – Our God is Three in One
  5. Q: Is Jesus God? Does he belong to the Trinity?
  6. Are Torah Observant Groups/The Hebrew Roots Movement A Concern
  7. The Trinity Revisited
  8. Section Four: The Trinity – An Assumed Doctrine
  9. A Theology of Love
  10. Fall – one
  11. Is New Testament Theology Trinitarian?
  12. did 1 john 5:7 proves the trinity?,or is it a mess?
  13. Yes,John 17:3 proves the trinity is wrong
  14. 66 – Treasure in the field – Luke Hillian
  15. 67 Gods Heritage – James Mansfield
  16. 72 Seeking Truth – Peter Williamson
  17. 75 Holiness in the Information Age – Michael Hyndman
  18. Dealers of hope
  19. Joy in Christ
  20. Serve Christ the King, Be Inspired by St. Catherine
  21. The Importance of Romans 8:32
  22. What “joins” us?
  23. Guest Post Book Review: The Deconstruction of Christianity:
  24. The unifying love that is friendship (Sunday VI of Easter)
  25. Baptism by Water
  26. In a first, royal coronation to feature non-Christian religions
  27. The Catholic Court
  28. Catholic FAQs IV – Sacramental
  29. “From Celibacy to Commitment: Insights from a Former Catholic
  30. Another Anglican bishop to become Catholic
  31. The Demonic Deception of Catholicism
  32. Are You Reformed?
  33. Guest Post: Understanding Van Til’s Trinitarian Apologetics
  34. Calvinism Haters, part 2 (The sovereignty of God)
  35. The Bereans Weren’t Higher Critics
  36. Who Draws the People?
  37. Book Review: Reformation Women
  38. Development of Doctrine in the Reformed Catholic Communion
  39. did 1 john 5:7 proves the trinity?,or is it a mess?
  40. Sermon: The Problems with Monotheism and Mother’s Day
  41. Mga Trinitarians umamin na hindi mula sa Bibliya ang doktrina ng Trinidad |
  42. Do We Ever Completely Get Rid of our Faults?
  43. Conquest of the Saints
  44. Rethinking Everything: Baptism, Women in Church Leadership,
  45. Stumbling Upon a Baptism in Mexico
  46. The Water and the Blood
  47. Credobaptism: A Primer
  48. Remember Your Baptism
  49. First Communion
  50. 2 Opinions 24
  51. Worship, The Marks of a Healthy, Scriptural Assembly – The Breaking of Bread, by Daniel C Snaddon
  52. The Body of Christ
  53. Final Gifts
  54. “Give Me That Old Time Religion, Bread Of Life, And Miracles
  55. Communion – What Does It Mean?
  56. Easter 5B Communion Meditation
  57. “How to Get More Out of Communion”
  58. How the Lord’s Prayer is a liturgical prayer
  59. Figures of speech in the Lord’s Supper
  60. Mass- Daily or not
  61. Eucharistic Revival I
  62. Communion – In Remembrance of Him
  63. Broken Body Redeemed by our Common Communion:
  64. Lord’s Supper [Part I]: A Symbol, Not Mere
  65. Lord’s Supper [Part I]: A Symbol, Not Mere
  66. Holy Communion (1 Corinthians 11.20-22) 
  67. Worship, How We Should Break Bread, by Daniel C Snaddon
  68. The Perfect Response: a communion meditation
  69. Communion: Uniting Spirit & Matter 
  70. “How to Get More Out of Communion”
  71. What to do after you hear – Pattern 5