Good News

“Here’s information. Today’ the government has announced that any trace of war damage has just been removed, and that their program to transform the instruments of war into machines of’ agriculture is well advanced. “Thanks to the increased production of food, especially in formerly deserted but now cultivated areas, the threat of war’ no longer exists.

“Public health authorities have declared that all contagious diseases, including the’afferous AIDS, have been brought under control worldwide.
The’ spiritual state of the S’ people is dramatically improved under the beneficial influences of’good food, productive employment and healthy and enjoyable leisure.
“The most recent indications confirm, unquestionably, that violence and terrorism are now completely defeated. We can announce that’finally children can play in the big cities without fearing anything.”

But it’s not like that ….. So far

Of course neither television, nor radio nor newspapers can speak seriously in this way. Normally it is the bad titles that attract the’attention. War, violence, terrorism, disasters, famine,’ political and financial instability – that’s what makes the headlines, now and regularly.

No solution from the politicians

The Bible clearly tells us that the resolution of these universal problems is not found in the’man but rather in Jehovah the Lord God alone.

“This is not’homme, when he walks, to lead his pas” (Jeremy 10:23).

The Lord Jesus announced that just before his return to earth there would be such a state of distress among the people of the world and

“an anguish of the nations that
will not know what to do…” (Luke 21:25).

And the Bible offers us many’other prophecies that confirm that’on must wait in the “last days” an era of unheard of unease before the great divine intervention – the return of the Lord Jesus on this land to establish his Kingdom and to erase all the current disorder.

And so, although the news is getting worse and worse, and the problems around us are threatening to crush us, the Lord Jesus invites us to find in it the signs that His coming is near.

“When this will start to’ arrive, straighten up and raise your head, because your deliverance is approaching” (Luke 21:28).

The Gospel is the Good News

Almost two thousand years ago, when the Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the angels sang about him:

“Glory to God in very high places, and peace on earth among men that’il agreed” (Luke 2:14).

The divine messenger encouraged them not to be afraid:

“because, I announce the good news of’a great joy that will be for all the people” (v. 10).

It is worth noting that the word “gospel” simply means “good news”.

The teaching of the Lord Jesus can be for us a source of joy and happiness. We have only to pay attention to what this word of God offers us to find the only antidote against all this bad news that we listen to and that currently discourage us. For in the Bible there is good news for each one of us and for everyone: on the individual level, for those who receive his teaching in their hearts and put it into practice in their daily lives; and on a world level, for all nations that will be part of the Kingdom of God.

Good News for All

The return of the Lord Jesus to earth will signal a turning point in history. Thanks to his wonderful reign the world will be changed – completely renewed – so that the immutable plan of Jehovah, the Lord God, from the creation of the world can find its realisation and so that the whole earth either “filled with its glory”. This is the definitive solution to all the problems of our world.

In the kingdom of God there will be no

  • warfare (Micah 4: 3)
  • famine (Psalm 72: 12-16)
  • abuse (Psalm 72: 4)
  • pollution (Revelation 11:18)
  • terrorism (- — ” —)
  • or any difficulty or crisis of any kind.

And finally, when the King chosen by God – the Lord Jesus – has completed his work, he will finally have more death (1 Corinthians 15:26).

Good news for yourselves

If you have the faith necessary to treat the Bible as the true word of God, and if you believe in what it teaches us, up to the point of allowing to influence your daily life, you can participate in this new world – a world where all these problems will no longer exist.

The Lord Jesus will raise from death all those who have put their trust in him, and invite them to share in the eternal happiness of his kingdom.

“Come, you who are blessed by my Father, receive as an inheritance the kingdom that was prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:34).

These will have the inestimable privilege of helping him to reign over the world for Jehovah, the Lord God, and of teaching to all the peoples of the world the knowledge of peace and of a true contentment. Then all will worship the Only One Lord God, as it should be.

We invite you, we recommend him elsewhere, to open the Bible and read it and be educated about this wonderful news. Soon, perhaps very soon, the imaginary news quoted at the beginning of this prospectus will have become wonderful realities.

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