No one can walk the walk for you

Text and image source: Ravenous Butterflies

The pilgrimage you have to undertake is a voyage you yourself have to do.

Everyone has their own path that they follow.
I know there will be haters along the way, doubters, those who don’t believe in you, and then you will be there and prove them wrong. It is your path and no one else will walk in your place. They can help you find your way if you get lost, they can push you if you stop and say I can’t do it. But it is still on your shoulders to walk and go. Then you reach your destination and look back with relief and say to yourself: I did it.

Jana Briškárová

Perhaps you shall have to go miles before your work shall be done, but by doing it yourself, conquering the many obstacles, you in the end shall feel most satisfaction, having reached your goal

Garden of Bright Images – Artwork: Lucy Grossmith