Starting to develop a spiritual mind

If we want to form a community of brothers and sisters together, it comes down to having the right attitude towards each other, as God would like to see His children living together.

Those who want to meet in our ecclesia therefore prefer to have that attitude of becoming or being a « Child of God« . If one wants to be a « Child of God « , one must agree to the precepts (or rules of the game) that Jehovah God has set forth. Those who have become « Children of God » are therefore heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him, so that we may also be glorified with him.

« 16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God. 17 If we are children, then we are heirs also; heirs of God, and co-heirs with Christ, if we suffer with him, that we may also be glorified with him. » (Romans 8:16-17)

Just because we have become brothers in Christ does not mean we would not suffer more. For every believer, the same comes in life as for an unbeliever. As believers, we do know that the sufferings of this age cannot compare with the glory that will be revealed to us.

« For I hold that the sufferings of this world cannot outweigh the glory that will be revealed to us. » (Romans 8:18)

Purified by baptismal water, we no longer fear pain, suffering and death. The difficulties we face now do not outweigh what awaits us.

« For the temporary light tribulation acquires for us an unsurpassed eternal weight of glory. » (2 Corinthians 4:17)

« But rather rejoice as you partake of the sufferings of Christ, that you also may rejoice when his glory appears. » (1 Peter 4:13)

That’s the nice thing, that we realise that nobody can actually do anything to us. We belong to God and He is in control of everything. Through Him and with Him we live. As baptised people, we have the prospect of a better life than the one we are given for the moment here on earth. But we realise that we must then also live by our faith according to the precepts of God.

Therefore, we must not dawdle but must see to it every day that we, as well as our loved ones, come to live according to God’s Will. To the inner man we truly create pleasure in the Law of God, to which we want to be dependent and have our minds shaped daily so that they can continue to grow according to the Will of God.



  1. How to find out that you belong to God’s people and are a chosen one
  2. A house with fertile soil full of plants of love
  3. No place for injustice, partiality or corruption
  4. Make a plan to make friends
  5. A community of faith to take over the torch
  6. Lord God makes us come together and grow
  7. Coming together to give the best of themselves to the others
  8. Bible texts about the attitude of coming together
  9. Why were Catholics not allowed to take communion during baptismal service
  10. Brothers and sisters as one family
  11. The intentions of our Brussels ecclesia


Children and heirs of God


Additional reading

  1. Not words of any organisation should bind you, but the Word of God
  2. Seeing or not seeing and willingness to find God
  3. Patriarch Abraham, Muslims, Christians and the son of God
  4. Are Christians prepared to Rejoice in the Lord
  5. To whom do we want to be enslaved
  6. Humility and the Fear of the Lord
  7. Decrease in church attendance not only a recent feature #2 The Mystery
  8. Decrease in church attendance not only a recent feature #4 Noncomformists In Politics
  9. Silencing Women – Of God or Men ?
  10. Reactions against those of the other sex
  11. Autumn, Life and death, grace, regeneration and sanctification
  12. Oratory Style
  13. Talks about freedom, righteousness, impurity and exclusion from the kingdom
  14. A Living Faith #2 State of your faith
  15. A Living Faith #6 Sacrifice
  16. A Living Faith #9 Our Manner of Life
  17. No insurmountable obstacles to come to know God
  18. Born of the Father
  19. Afraid to see the man of the heavens opened
  20. Focussing on the man Jesus and the relationship with God
  21. Jesus, A way given to find the right way to God
  22. A Ransom for all 3 Seeing Him as He is
  23. Through Christ’s death you can be adopted as a child of God
  24. The one who set the standard
  25. The Immeasurable Grace bestowed on humanity
  26. People Seeking for God 5 Bread of life
  27. The God of hope filling us with all joy and peace
  28. We all are changed into the same image from glory to glory
  29. One Mind, One Accord
  30. Memorizing wonderfully 67: Galatians 3:29 Heirs according to promise.
  31. Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26
  32. Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26 – He Still Speaks
  33. We Are The Children Of God
  34. Children of God – mentioned in Scripture (From Guestwriters)
  35. Children of God – mentioned in Scripture (Our world)
  36. Today’s thought “Showing the Gospel, teaching publicly and from house to house,” (November 07)
  37. Today’s thought “Putting on the robe of compassion, kindness, humility and meekness” (November 15)
  38. Today’s thought “He who was also subject to human weakness” (November 30)
  39. Being in isolation #5 Isolated Biblical figures and Confessional isolation
  40. How should we worship God? #14 True worship
  41. Light and Salt – Parables of Influence
  42. “Wisdom” and Wisdom (1 Cor 1:19,21)
  43. Matthew 12:46-50 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The True Family of Messiah
  44. Imperfect ones to learn from the One Who wants to be our Father
  45. Moshe Rabbenu and Torat Moshe
  46. Taking refuge in God
  47. Children at Christ’s Coming
  48. Sowing fruits of the Spirit and of righteousness
  49. Christians remaining hidden not sharing the gospel
  50. From those preaching the Gospel and Baptism in Jesus name
  51. Reason to preach #4 Informed followers of Christ
  52. Bringing over with a voice
  53. How to become a Christadelphian
  54. Priorities for our Christadelphian community and for the spreading of Good News
  55. Christadelphians children of God

A house with fertile soil full of plants of love

When we come together, be it in a house, hall, temple or kingdom hall, and intend to exchange our thoughts in community about God, His word and commandments, our attitude towards each other must be according to the standards of God.

The ecclesia is a house of God and there is no room for jealousy, envy or jealousy, but there must be mutual love for each other.

Those who gather to attend a service for God are committed to delving into the Word of God, but also into the love of God. Thus they study the character of the Most High and see the character of His sent son. It does not escape their attention that Jesus had an unselfish love. He had a love that « doesn’t envy ». In front of us we see a man who radiated a love that was generous. So must our love be, so that we may see others flourish and rejoice in their prosperity, even if our own affairs are not so prosperous for a while.

It may be safe that we experience difficult days. Days we can even hate. But these must not undermine us. They must not drag us into the depths. Above all the inconveniences and difficulties, we must have such confidence in God that we rise above these difficulties and continue to act as a peacemaker who wants to share his love with many.

The love of and imitator of Christ is one of generosity, the reverse of jealousy and envy, which arise from a perverse nature. This world is overflowing with people who want to reflect on others. Social media is excellent proof of this, how people even go so far as to no longer be themselves towards others. All around us we see people looking forward with jealousy to what others have already achieved or are envious of what they already have and they do not. There, we clearly see the roots of envy, which is selfishness. We must realise that envy will not grow on the root of love.

And to build a good ecclesia we need to plough a fertile soil and sow good seeds on it, choosing to raise only loving plants. In this way, we will keep our thoughts open to warmly welcome everyone who comes by, and have a taste of our hospitality. In doing so, our love will rejoice with those who rejoice, in the prosperity of every good word and work, and in the progress in Christian grace and in the divine service of all who are driven by the divine Spirit.


Previous articles

  1. God’s Words for the Pilgrimage #3 A road on a global scale littered with obstacles
  2. A meeting place to share peace and love with each other
  3. Opening speech at the Service for Unity in Our Faith Community
  4. Grow love and make progress
  5. Love in the ecclesia
  6. Love expressed
  7. Paul’s exhortation to unity in love
  8. We must be faithful to God


Additional reading

  1. The sin of partiality
  2. Matthew 8:14-17 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother-in-law
  3. Matthew 10:11-15 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Searching for the Sheep
  4. Matthew 13:36-43 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Parable of the Zizania in the Field Explained
  5. Matthew 25:31-46 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Judgment on the Realm of Heaven #2 Matthew 25:34-36
  6. Matthew 25:31-46 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Judgment on the Realm of Heaven #3 Matthew 25:37-40
  7. Today’s Thought (August 03): Hospitality without grudging
  8. Today’s thought “Darker days, presents and Love for others” (December 13)
  9. Necessity to be cheerful to help yourself and others

God’s Words for the Pilgrimage #3 A road on a global scale littered with obstacles

A road strewn with obstacles

And yet the Christian’s path is not a uniform one, without difficulties. On his way, many obstacles will never cease to oppose his happiness and the ‘encounter with God’ which is ultimately the condition of it.

First, there is sin. Present in each of our lives, it is a total or partial rejection of God, and in this way it binds our freedom and weighs on the progress of the whole Church. This is why, in return, the duty of ‘conversion‘ is imposed on us, that is, the turning of the whole life towards the Lord, leading to a new journey forward.

There is also suffering, which is both a burden and a mystery. Suffering of the body, suffering of the heart, or suffering of the soul, it rises up one day or another before man. Then it may be useless revolt; it can also be the hour of « hope« ; hope, « that flame impossible to extinguish with the breath of death », as Péguy said…

But there is also prayer which, in the very midst of suffering, or in the misery of sin, cries out to God our need, our distress, our poverty, and calls for his help.

No Christian is a solitary Christian. On the contrary, he is in solidarity with all his fellow men and women even in his prayer, for it is with them, in the Church and with Christ, in the Spirit who prays in us, that we can only call God « Our Father » and offer ourselves to him in the rediscovered transparency of our souls at the source of this « Living Water gushing forth eternal life. »


A road on a global scale


This is why the path of Christians is also the path of men, which passes through recommitment to the search for justice and peace. Justice and peace are not personal privileges. There can be no true inner peace without active concern for the peace of nations, nor can there be true love for God or for one’s brothers and sisters without an effective will to justice on all levels: individual, social or international.

The Church leads to the construction of the earthly city all those whom she gathers in search of the future city. It is then that his pilgrimage joins that of all humanity.





  1. What is a Pilgrimage?
  2. Encouraging eachother
  3. Prayer at the beginning of our pilgrimage
  4. Beginning of a Pilgrimage
  5. God’s Words for the Pilgrimage #1 Twentieth Century Man and the Pilgrimage Process
  6. God’s Words for the Pilgrimage #2 Words of God for life


Additional reading

  1. Facing our existence every day
  2. Perplexity among the nations
  3. Dealing with worries in our lives
  4. Time for this and that
  5. Obstacles to your goal
  6. About Suffering
  7. From pain to purpose
  8. Fog, brass and light for the eyes
  9. When a day of darkness and of gloominess shall come
  10. A book of life and a man born more than two thousand years ago
  11. Philippians 4:4–7 – Do Not Be Anxious
  12. Straight roads can’t make you a good driver
  13. In every difficulty, see opportunities
  14. Experiences in life that ‘helped’ me grow
  15. The Bible not as complicated as you think
  16. Repentance and conversion are not milestones which we pass on the way of life and never see again
  17. Do you want to take control of your life?
  18. Beginnings and endings are significant
  19. “I want to draw closer to God, but…”
  20. For those who make other choices
  21. Be like a tree planted by streams of water
  22. Improving the one who loves Him
  23. Today’s thought “Do not harm … until” (December 24)
  24. Believe me! Everything is Possible
  25. Let Jesus carry your heavy burdens
  26. Extra memorising verses John 7:37 Coming to Christ to drink
  27. Thought for today: Nothing to hard for God
  28. If one wants to be baptised
  29. Gods hope and our hope
  30. Hope with a foundation