The non-traditional church that is born out of spiritual life

house church
Photo by Artu016bras Kokorevas on


God’s clear desire is for the earth to be filled with the

“knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).

Rather than build buildings and organisations that require tremendous time, finances, and energy to reproduce, The Kingdom of God multiplies organically: one seed produces fruit, that produces more seed that produces more fruit.

If there is a true follower of Christ anywhere on earth, he is aware of the commission that Jesus gave to his apostles. Such an awareness therefore requires following Christ’s teachings and the necessary spreading of his word, the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God.
Provided that there are several true followers of Jesus walking around on earth, they can ensure the further spread of faith in the One True God and in His sent only begotten son, Jesus Christ, who has brought us salvation.
One after another passes on the Good News and thus makes hope flourish for that coming kingdom.

The principle of multiplication is far more powerful than we realise.

What we often hear is that if we do not have our own recognisable church buildings, then we must be a sect. Clearly indicating that many people do not know the meaning of a « cult« .

Born out of spiritual life instead of constructed by human institutions and held together by religious programs, people all over the world find they should come together to worship the Only One True God.
For them, it is much more important to live and act according to the Bible and thus to practice true worship of God and not to worship multiple gods, as in many institutional churches.

Organic church life is a grass roots experience that is marked by face-to-face community, every-member functioning, open-participatory meetings (opposed to pastor-to-pew services), non-hierarchical leadership, and the centrality and supremacy of Jesus Christ as the functional Leader and Head of the gathering.
Put another way, organic church life is the “experience” of the Body of Christ. In its purest form, it’s the fellowship of the Only One True God instead of a Triune God brought to earth and experienced by human beings.



  1. How to Start a House Church?
  2. How do you organise a house church?
  3. Our house church is an organic church


Additional reading

  1. Time for this and that
  2. Church indeed critical in faith development
  3. Demanding signs or denying yourself
  4. Witnessing because we love
  5. Today’s thought “They would not believe it” (August 21)
  6. What is happening in America to religion and to the language of faith
  7. Growing rift between observant parents and their children



Further related

  1. They say, “If a church doesn’t have a fancy building, they must be a cult.”
  2. House Church
  3. It Has Been a Year Since We Left Church, for the Second Time
  4. The Future Lies in Going Back to It!
  5. Are You Mostly Dead?
  6. Is Church a Place? Do We Need to Go?
  7. A stone in place of bread
  8. Deconstruction, Reconstruction…When Does It All End?
  9. Why Is It So Awkward To Talk About God With Others?
  10. Pius XII and the Politics of the Mystical Body
  11. Going to church or Not – We are All in Christ
  12. I’ve lost interest in trying to fit into an institutional church.
  13. Why Do People Leave The Church Building But Not God?
  14. 139: The Asbury Revival: A House Church Perspective
  15. Religion is often spiritual shrink wrap
  16. A brief history & overview of “Small Groups”
  17. An invitation to “Zoom” in on ekklesia!
  18. When The Spiritual Patriarch & Matriarch Are Tired!
  19. Early Rain Church members harassed and leaders detained on
  20. Submission and Authority # 1 of 3
  21. Submission and Authority # 2 of 3
  22. Submission and Authority # 3 of 3
  23. Why House Church Now #1 of 4
  24. Why House Church Now #2 of 4
  25. Why House Church Now #3 of 4
  26. Why House Church Now #4 of 4
  27. Priscilla and Aquila
  28. Coffee and Colossians 121 – Nympha’s House Church
  29. Sermon – This Church we build
  30. 10 More New Testament Practices, Part 1