What does it mean to be engaged or to be involved in the ecclesia?



  • [intransitive always + preposition] to be doing or to become involved in an activity engage in/on/upon > If you engage in an activity, you do it or are actively involved with it.
  • [transitive] to attract someone’s attention and keep them interestedengage somebody’s interest/attention
  • [transitive] to attract someone’s attention and keep them interestedengage somebody’s interest/attention
in the sense of participate in
to take part or participate > Synonyms:
participate in 
join in  
embark on  
enter into  
become involved in 
set about  
partake of 

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

Foto door Julia Filirovska op Pexels.com

Engagement or involvement

When we talk about being committed or involved here, we are committed to something in mind or cooperating or cooperating.

If a person is expected to be « engaged » or « engaged », that person is expected to actively participate in or be immersed in a particular activity, event, or relationship.

It means that you can be found for something and want to participate in it without being rude. Before one is committed, there must be an interest in the matter and it is important to join a specific group, which one wants to join.

The person concerned is interested in the case and even wants to invest there. He or she wants to contribute (give – be conducive to) and participate.

To become a member of an ecclesia, it is expected that one will go for the same faith and even wish to commit oneself to it. The tasks or situations that are available are then prepared not to shy away from.

Being involved or committed requires giving time, energy and effort to contribute to or make a difference in a situation and in the case of an ecclesia or religious community, contributing constructively to connecting with that religious group in order to build it and expand.

Being involved also means caring, helping, providing services or offering. This also includes offering others a helpful hand and helping them move forward, helping someone get started or getting them going. This can be done with advice or provided with advice and assistance. Furthermore, it keeps a ready stand for support and to be ready as support for others such as undercarrier, protector and right hand.

It also means being present, attentive and responsive in interactions with others and willing to pave the way for others or help them out of need. This can even go as far as helping others out of the brine or even pulling out of a deep swamp. It may happen several times that someone will have to be taken in tow, even though it may be that one will have to walk the soles of one’s shoes.

Overall, commitment or being involved means a sense of commitment, connection, and contribution to a common goal.

Involvement or commitment in the ecclesia

Involvement or commitment in a church community means actively participating in the various aspects of the life and ministry of the church. This can include attending worship services and prayer meetings, volunteering for service opportunities, participating in small groups, supporting outreach and mission efforts, and contributing financially to the work of the church.

It is a willingness to work together in connection or with feeling to shape and support faith. The involvement in the ecclesia brings with it a feeling of solidarity among the alliance, where all members want to focus on deepening and spreading the Word of God. In solidarity, they want to move together with the same party spirit or esprit de corps.

Engagement also includes building relationships with other members of the church, providing support and encouragement to each other, and seeking to live up to the values and teachings of faith in everyday life.

Being involved in a church community means that people want to be accomplices and parties to a fact that was started many centuries ago and must be continued. As fellow oaths, one adheres to living up to the brotherhood and, as a keeper of the faith, to further proclaim that faith. Such involvement often leads to a feeling of connection, purpose and spiritual growth.




  1. Necessary formalities for the trek
  2. The non-traditional church born from spiritual life
  3. Whether or not you feel at home in a church
  4. Housechurch is about a new way of life
  5. Whether or not you feel at home in a church
  6. What does it mean to belong to a church community
  7. Our house church is an organic church
  8. The intentions of our Brussels ecclesia
  9. Work in the family home and garden



Additional reading

  1. How should we react against the world
  2. After 2,000 UK Church Buildings Close, New Church Plants Get Creative
  3. Decrease in church attendance not only a recent feature #5 Necessity of attendance
  4. An other trait for faith in Jesus and his God
  5. Commit your self to the trustworthy creator
  6. Consider your own journey in life
  7. Our Sense of Belonging
  8. Invest in Faith working together arm in arm
  9. Faith a commitment to the promises of Christ and to to the demands of Christ
  10. Willing to do and we willing to learn everything that the Elohim has spoken
  11. The work I do, let it be done good
  12. It’s the Little Things that Matter
  13. Whom can we trust to govern us?
  14. Commitment to Christian unity
  15. Symptom of tzara’at a white spot on the flesh
  16. Messages leading to an earthly utopia
  17. Today’s thought “Through many tribulations” (November 4)
  18. Today’s thought “To carry my name” (May 01)
  19. Today’s thought “… with all your heart” (May 09)
  20. With all your heart
  21. Today’s thought “Clothing yourselves with the right attitude” (May 16)
  22. Being Religious and Spiritual 8 Spiritual, Mystic and not or well religious
  23. a Strong Family doesn’t just happen
  24. How should we worship God? #8 Love one another
  25. Sharing your big scriptures for tough times
  26. United helping to spread the Good News
  27. Evangelizing in the “Time of the End”
  28. Being asked about Tithing
  29. How to become a Christadelphian

Beginning of a Pilgrimage


2024 didn’t just bring us the start of a new year. It was also the point where some people shook hands and expressed their desire to join a brotherhood together.

On January 6, 2024, we could rejoice that the start was given in Anderlecht to form an ecclesia and to set off together from there to get to know and serve the One True God better.

The third week of January 2024 is the time to take the first step in the pilgrimage to the foundation of God’s Son, the Church of God.
A pilgrimage refers to going to a place to pray there. In our case, we set out for an ecclesia of Brethren in Christ under the direction of Jesus Christ, the son of God and with the blessing of his Heavenly Father, Jehovah the God above all gods.

Here today we find people who have decided to travel with us. They want to undertake the journey that will bring them to greater freedom and security in life, even if some do not yet fully realise the freedom and blessings that await them if they succeed in completing that journey.

To get to that endpoint where God would like us to arrive, we will have to climb many mountains and cross many valleys. Sometimes it might take sweat and tears. But today we find here people who are eager to travel, and who are eager to travel with their life experiences, and who want to share their experiences with their fellow travellers. They can expect a very rich, but not always easy expedition. But because there are several of us, we will be able to help each other and help over the most difficult cliffs and deepest waters.

There are business trips, pleasure trips, play trips, fairground trips, candy trips, day trips, night trips, leave trips, vacation trips, art trips, company trips, summer trips, winter trips, land and sea trips. Our journey is just about all of that, while we are allowed to oversee a real voyage of discovery and research.

Together we will walk to get to know God better. To this end, we will make good use of the Guide He Himself has provided. His Word, written down in the Bible, is our best companion, which we will make good use of in the coming weeks and months.

Just as a traveller takes travel goods, packing or luggage with him, everyone here present, also takes his ballast or packing goods with him. Everyone has experienced some things in life that can have been pleasant but also very unpleasant. Every one of us has been up to things that aren’t so kosher. Not everything we do is according to the wishes of the Divine Creator. During our pilgrimage, we will have plenty of time to think about what God wants, to meditate and to work on ourselves.

Provided that we are not going to walk over ice in one day, we must dare to take the time to let ourselves be put back in the right folds. All creases need to be smoothed out.

During our long journey (or pilgrimage) it is important to finally get rid of our old self and put on a new self. At the end of the day, we must be able to present ourselves to God, cleared of all blame. In the meantime, some may decide that they are ready to enter into the « water of life » and ask God to “whitewash” them so that they may be redeemed from their past sins, in order to be cleansed, to continue the important journey. For this baptism is not an endpoint, but a starting point of a new life, in which the baptized person has decided to live completely according to the will of God.

That baptism is then a passage through the Reed Sea (or Red Sea) where God’s People were also freed from slavery. But as we can read in Scripture, they still went in the wrong direction a few times and did things that God did not like. That can happen to us too. For this, we need to pay attention and support each other.
As soon as we see someone deviate, we have to show them back the right way to the Path. All together, as in the first centuries, the followers of Jesus must follow « The Way« . To this end, the regular meetings will be a helping hand. But that won’t be enough. Each person will also have to take initiative and examine the scriptures daily. Without regular Bible reading and study, the road will be much more difficult.

If we are willing to listen to God’s Word, He will be willing to listen to us. Then the time has come for us to talk to Him. In the same way, we will regularly enter into dialogue with God through our prayers, requests, praises and songs.

Hopefully, we will be able to talk to more lost people on our trek and let them go with us to a point where it will be wonderful to stay.

All those who will succeed in ending the pilgrimage, will be able to look back with satisfaction at what they have been able to leave behind as ballast along the way. Freed from all these burdens, they will be allowed to step into a new life, with many to walk together to and through that narrow gate of the Kingdom of Christ.




  1. What if’s
  2. Gathering and meeting for God
  3. A new yeshiva or studyplace to be
  4. January 6, 2024 official opening of the Anderlecht ecclesia
  5. A new ecclesia = a new beginning
  6. The intentions of our Brussels ecclesia
  7. What is a Pilgrimage?
  8. Encouraging eachother
  9. Prayer at the beginning of our pilgrimage


Additional reading

  1. The Right One to follow and to worship
  2. Gods, God of the Bible and believers
  3. The Almighty Lord, God above all gods
  4. Bible a guide – Bijbel als gids
  5. Bible – Basic intro
  6. Bible
  7. Bible power to change
  8. Word of God
  9. Bible Word of God inspired and infallible
  10. Facing our existence every day
  11. Many looking for the church of the world instead of the Church of God
  12. Get the lenses out to getting closer again
  13. Being aligned with above
  14. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality
  15. Sometimes we face trials
  16. The beginning of a new life
  17. 2023 December 3 A Day in two ways important
  18. Possibly a bright prospect for the Belgian community of Brothers in Christ
  19. Sunday night Zoom Meetings
  20. Concerning prayer and thought for the day
  21. Prayer at the opening of the year 2024
  22. The Way of God or the way of the world?
  23. Looking for a spiritual new life
  24. Feeling-good, search for happiness and the church
  25. Know Who goes with us and don’t try to control life
  26. Cross-bearing
  27. After darkness a moment of life renewal
  28. Genuine message of salvation
  29. In the night His song shall be with me
  30. In the springtime it’s easy to see God’s love
  31. Belief of the things that God has promised
  32. Today’s thought “That is not the way you learned Christ” (April 6)
  33. How should we worship God? #11 New Life in Christ
  34. How should we worship God? #12 Renewing the Mind
  35. Wanting for more than you need or hearing the Inviting encouragement
  36. Rebirth and belonging to a church
  37. How to set your mind
  38. Knowing The Truth and Loving The Truth
  39. A Living Faith #8 Change
  40. When having taken a new direction in life, having become a Christian