Our first foreign guests

It was nice to receive our first foreign guests last Saturday.

From Down-Under We had Andrea Burgess visiting. This Australian lady is here in Belgium from May 18 to June 10, for a Congress on child psychiatry.

From Great Britain, we had Brother Malcolm from Newbury visiting, who took advantage of the bank holiday in his country to visit Brother Steve from Mons.

It was a good idea of Méthode that everyone introduced themselves, so that we can form an idea of the path that everyone has travelled on a religious level.

Before the service, we went into further detail on the reasons why those who have not enjoyed full immersion as baptism at a nontrinitarian church cannot actively participate in the sacrificial meal. In the coming Services we will also talk about this further and consider how the first Christians saw their meetings and the breaking of bread.

In any case, we can be satisfied with how a sense of unity has already been created here in Anderlecht.

The hostess had once again provided a delicious meal, which everyone could enjoy while still a lot of thoughts were exchanged before everyone was satisfied to go to his own place.

meeting 25/05/2004 met Sis Andrea uit Australia & Bro Malcolm uit Great-Britain