There were also loyal persons among the Jews

Today is very similar to earlier times, when there were also many people who did not want to know about God.

They are a rebellious people, . . . who are unwilling to hear the law of Jehovah.​—Isa. 30:9.

Because the people refused to listen, Isaiah foretold that Jehovah would allow them to suffer calamity. (Isa. 30:5, 17; Jer. 25:8-11)

 They will all be put to shame By a people who can bring no benefit to them, Who offer no help and no benefit, Only shame and disgrace.”+ (Isaiah 30:5)

17 A thousand will tremble at the threat of one;At the threat of five you will flee Until what is left of you is like a mast on the top of a mountain, Like a signal pole on a hill.+ (Isaiah 30:17)

“Therefore this is what Jehovah of armies says, ‘“Because you would not obey my words, I am sending for all the families of the north,”+ declares Jehovah, “sending for King Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar* of Babylon, my servant,+ and I will bring them against this land+ and against its inhabitants and against all these surrounding nations.+ I will devote them to destruction and make them an object of horror and something to whistle at and a perpetual ruin. 10 I will put an end to the sound of exultation and the sound of rejoicing from them,+ the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride,+ the sound of the hand mill and the light of the lamp. 11 And all this land will be reduced to ruins and will become an object of horror, and these nations will have to serve the king of Babylon for 70 years.”’+

12 “‘But when 70 years have been fulfilled,+ I will call to account* the king of Babylon and that nation for their error,’+ declares Jehovah, ‘and I will make the land of the Chal·deʹans a desolate wasteland for all time.+ 13 I will bring on that land all my words that I have spoken against it, all that is written in this book that Jeremiah has prophesied against all the nations. 14 For many nations and great kings+ will make slaves of them,+ and I will repay them according to their deeds and the work of their own hands.’”+

(Jeremia 25:8-11, 12-14)

And, indeed, they were taken into captivity by the Babylonians. However, there were some faithful ones among the Jews, and Isaiah told them that one day Jehovah would restore them to favour. (Isa. 30:18, 19)

18 But Jehovah is waiting patiently* to show you favor,And he will rise up to show you mercy.For Jehovah is a God of justice.+

Happy are all those keeping in expectation of* him.+

19 When the people dwell in Zion, in Jerusalem,+ you will by no means weep.+ He will surely show you favor at the sound of your cry for help; he will answer you as soon as he hears it.+ (Isaiah 30:18-19)

And that is exactly what happened. Jehovah brought an end to their captivity. However, their deliverance would not come right away. The statement

“Jehovah is waiting patiently to show you favor”

indicated that some time would pass before the faithful ones would be rescued. In fact, the Israelites spent 70 years in exile in Babylon before a remnant was allowed to return to Jerusalem. (Isa. 10:21; Jer. 29:10)

21 Only a remnant will return, The remnant of Jacob, to the Mighty God.

22 For though your people, O Israel, Are as the grains of sand of the sea, Only a remnant of them will return.+

An extermination has been decided on,+ And justice* will engulf them.+ (Isaiah 10:21-22)

10 “For this is what Jehovah says, ‘When 70 years at Babylon are fulfilled, I will turn my attention to you,+ and I will make good my promise by bringing you back to this place.’+

11 “‘For I well know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you,’ declares Jehovah, ‘thoughts of peace, and not of calamity,+ to give you a future and a hope.+ 12 And you will call me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.’+

13 “‘You will seek me and find me,+ for you will search for me with all your heart.+ 14 And I will let you find me,’+ declares Jehovah. ‘And I will gather your captives and collect you together out of all the nations and places to which I have dispersed you,’+ declares Jehovah. ‘And I will bring you back to the place from which I caused you to go into exile.’+ (Jeremiah 29:10-14)

Once the people were back in their homeland, the tears of sorrow were replaced by tears of joy.