What does it mean to be engaged or to be involved in the ecclesia?



  • [intransitive always + preposition] to be doing or to become involved in an activity engage in/on/upon > If you engage in an activity, you do it or are actively involved with it.
  • [transitive] to attract someone’s attention and keep them interestedengage somebody’s interest/attention
  • [transitive] to attract someone’s attention and keep them interestedengage somebody’s interest/attention
in the sense of participate in
to take part or participate > Synonyms:
participate in 
join in  
embark on  
enter into  
become involved in 
set about  
partake of 

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

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Engagement or involvement

When we talk about being committed or involved here, we are committed to something in mind or cooperating or cooperating.

If a person is expected to be « engaged » or « engaged », that person is expected to actively participate in or be immersed in a particular activity, event, or relationship.

It means that you can be found for something and want to participate in it without being rude. Before one is committed, there must be an interest in the matter and it is important to join a specific group, which one wants to join.

The person concerned is interested in the case and even wants to invest there. He or she wants to contribute (give – be conducive to) and participate.

To become a member of an ecclesia, it is expected that one will go for the same faith and even wish to commit oneself to it. The tasks or situations that are available are then prepared not to shy away from.

Being involved or committed requires giving time, energy and effort to contribute to or make a difference in a situation and in the case of an ecclesia or religious community, contributing constructively to connecting with that religious group in order to build it and expand.

Being involved also means caring, helping, providing services or offering. This also includes offering others a helpful hand and helping them move forward, helping someone get started or getting them going. This can be done with advice or provided with advice and assistance. Furthermore, it keeps a ready stand for support and to be ready as support for others such as undercarrier, protector and right hand.

It also means being present, attentive and responsive in interactions with others and willing to pave the way for others or help them out of need. This can even go as far as helping others out of the brine or even pulling out of a deep swamp. It may happen several times that someone will have to be taken in tow, even though it may be that one will have to walk the soles of one’s shoes.

Overall, commitment or being involved means a sense of commitment, connection, and contribution to a common goal.

Involvement or commitment in the ecclesia

Involvement or commitment in a church community means actively participating in the various aspects of the life and ministry of the church. This can include attending worship services and prayer meetings, volunteering for service opportunities, participating in small groups, supporting outreach and mission efforts, and contributing financially to the work of the church.

It is a willingness to work together in connection or with feeling to shape and support faith. The involvement in the ecclesia brings with it a feeling of solidarity among the alliance, where all members want to focus on deepening and spreading the Word of God. In solidarity, they want to move together with the same party spirit or esprit de corps.

Engagement also includes building relationships with other members of the church, providing support and encouragement to each other, and seeking to live up to the values and teachings of faith in everyday life.

Being involved in a church community means that people want to be accomplices and parties to a fact that was started many centuries ago and must be continued. As fellow oaths, one adheres to living up to the brotherhood and, as a keeper of the faith, to further proclaim that faith. Such involvement often leads to a feeling of connection, purpose and spiritual growth.




  1. Necessary formalities for the trek
  2. The non-traditional church born from spiritual life
  3. Whether or not you feel at home in a church
  4. Housechurch is about a new way of life
  5. Whether or not you feel at home in a church
  6. What does it mean to belong to a church community
  7. Our house church is an organic church
  8. The intentions of our Brussels ecclesia
  9. Work in the family home and garden



Additional reading

  1. How should we react against the world
  2. After 2,000 UK Church Buildings Close, New Church Plants Get Creative
  3. Decrease in church attendance not only a recent feature #5 Necessity of attendance
  4. An other trait for faith in Jesus and his God
  5. Commit your self to the trustworthy creator
  6. Consider your own journey in life
  7. Our Sense of Belonging
  8. Invest in Faith working together arm in arm
  9. Faith a commitment to the promises of Christ and to to the demands of Christ
  10. Willing to do and we willing to learn everything that the Elohim has spoken
  11. The work I do, let it be done good
  12. It’s the Little Things that Matter
  13. Whom can we trust to govern us?
  14. Commitment to Christian unity
  15. Symptom of tzara’at a white spot on the flesh
  16. Messages leading to an earthly utopia
  17. Today’s thought “Through many tribulations” (November 4)
  18. Today’s thought “To carry my name” (May 01)
  19. Today’s thought “… with all your heart” (May 09)
  20. With all your heart
  21. Today’s thought “Clothing yourselves with the right attitude” (May 16)
  22. Being Religious and Spiritual 8 Spiritual, Mystic and not or well religious
  23. a Strong Family doesn’t just happen
  24. How should we worship God? #8 Love one another
  25. Sharing your big scriptures for tough times
  26. United helping to spread the Good News
  27. Evangelizing in the “Time of the End”
  28. Being asked about Tithing
  29. How to become a Christadelphian

To stand for true baptism

trekking -pilgrimage - man on top of the mountain - wandelaar op uitkijk in de bergen
Foto door Oziel Gu00f3mez op Pexels.com


At the start of our trek or pilgrimage, we were convinced that the world is going wrong. Those who wished to join the pilgrims were also convinced that we should explore a different way of life.

All those who join the pilgrimage we undertake realise that it is better to ignore the world and prepare to continue on the right path.

For example, travellers will have to choose the right platform to get on the right train. As well, when they leave the station, they have to take the right path to step over the right fields and valleys. Here is a moment when travellers feel free to let the outside world know where they are going.

Then we will be able to see that the world is getting out of the way for the person who knows where he is going. For many will see the travellers as strangers and want to avoid them.  Just like all the forefathers who wished to live according to the Laws of God. Like their days, our days on earth are like a shadow, and there is none to abide (1 Chronicles 29:15)

Even though our entire company is not the easiest, and we encounter many setbacks, we want to continue the journey in all circumstances. Those who further join are like us convinced that there is a higher party involved, who will act as a Master and will indeed continue to save us from everything harmful. Our faith in the sent of God gives us strength and confidence and makes us safe from his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory during all future periods of time. (2 Timothy 4:18)

Many people have preceded us in faith. They all died in faith, without having received the promises. They were filled with faith and managed to persevere through it. Like many before us, we are looking for a promised land where peace will reign. Even though it may not be the first day, we still want to fully provide ourselves so that we will be ready to enter the narrow gate of that promised Kingdom at any time of the day or of our journey.

But all who participate in the trek will have to make a choice during the journey to indicate that they are partakers of Jesus Christ’s community of brothers and sisters. Then it comes down to indicating to those present that one recognises God’s position and authority. Jehovah is recognised as „the Supreme . . over all the earth”, the Creator and Universal Sovereign (Psalm 36:9; 83:18; 2 Kings 19:15). At some point during the journey one must proceed to accept Jehovah as Supreme, as Father, but also as his Judge, Legislator and King. (Isaiah 33:22; Psalm 119:102; Revelation 15:3, 4.)

But in addition, one must recognise Christ’’s position and authority and realise that he is the one through whom God has provided „ with a corresponding ransom” (1 Timothy 2:5, 6). In addition, one accepts Jesus as Jehovah’s „Loyal Witness and as the ”King of kings„. (Rev 1:5; 19:16.)

If one shows sufficient insight into the Biblical Truth, one must also dare to take the step of presenting oneself as a baptismal candidate and moving into the sealing of brotherhood in Christ, through complete immersion in water, as purification of sins or complete laundering with the ‘burial’ of old life and entering a ‘new life‘.

It is a symbolic act that one expects when the candidate is ripe enough to take such a step. Christian immersion in water therefore does not wash away sins. Not baptism, but the pouring out of Jesus’’s blood and the ‘calling of his name’ make forgiveness possible. (Hebrews 9:22; 1 John 1:7.)

22 Yes, according to the Law nearly all things are cleansed with blood,+ and unless blood is poured out no forgiveness takes place.+ (Hebrews 9:22)

By means of him we have the release by ransom through the blood of that one,+ yes, the forgiveness of our trespasses,+ according to the riches of his undeserved kindness. (Ephesians 1:7)

Symbolically, from the darkness of this world, we go through the wall of water, to come straight into the light of the world of Christ. In that light, we want to continue our journey together to be connected in Jesus’ name.

However, if we are walking in the light as he himself is in the light, we do have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.+ (1 John 1:7)

We will continue step by step, and as we take further paths we hope that several will join us and that candidates will also emerge who indicate that they want to continue through life as brothers or sisters in Christ.



  1. What is a Pilgrimage?
  2. Beginning of a Pilgrimage
  3. A pilgrimage not exactly without obstacles or obstacles #1 Embarking on an important journey
  4. A pilgrimage not exactly without obstacles or obstacles #3 Availability, encounters and exposure to change
  5. A pilgrimage not exactly without obstacles or obstacles #4 A good plan or guide to discover the Source of life
  6. Necessary formalities for the trek
  7. Fulfilling formalities for the trek
  8. Encouraging eachother
  9. The spiritual “garment” for our souls
  10. There were also loyal persons among the Jews
  11. We must be faithful to God
  12. Faithful to God are baptised
  13. On the way to the altar of the world
  14. What does the Bible say about baptism?


Additional literature

  1. Colour-blindness and road code
  2. Truth, doubt or blindness
  3. What does it mean in the bible when it says to be no part of the world?
  4. A Book to trust #15 Writings to show The God #2 Importance of Being
  5. God the Father
  6. Only One God
  7. God is one
  8. The faithful God
  9. The Creator God and Jesus Son of the Highest, the firstborn from the dead
  10. God showing how far He is willing to go to save His children
  11. Belief of the things that God has promised
  12. God spoke to our forefathers and speaks to us
  13. First mention of a solution against death 7 Human sacrifice
  14. Jesus son of God
  15. Jesus son of God or god the son
  16. Christ begotten through the power of the Holy Spirit
  17. The son of man given authority by God
  18. Lost senses or a clear focus on the one at the stake
  19. Jesus Christ (the Messiah)
  20. Mark 10 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Mark 10:41-45 – The True Minister
  21. The Climax of Matthew’s story
  22. Today’s Thought “God’s servant will succeed! He will be raised up, exalted, highly honoured!” (Weekend of 2020 June 27-28)
  23. A Ransom for all 2 Corresponding price
  24. Today’s Thought “Witnessing servants of God” (June 19)
  25. Today’s thought “… no more stubbornly follow …” (July 13)
  26. Where our life journey begins and inheritance of offices of parents
  27. The Journey Begins
  28. Avoiding friction and distraction in the body of Christ
  29. Today’s thought “The gate is narrow” (July 6)
  30. The saviour Jesus his human side
  31. Slave for people and God
  32. Servant of his Father
  33. The redemption of man by Christ Jesus
  34. Redemption #7 Christ alive in the faithful
  35. No person has greater love than this one who surrendered his soul in behalf of his friends
  36. A Father Who has invited us to join His family
  37. You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone
  38. From nothingness to a growing group of followers of Jeshua 4 Trusting the Right One
  39. To create a great journey
  40. Walking the Walk or Stepping on the right Path
  41. Focus On Your Unique Path
  42. My sense of direction
  43. Why choose? And can you choose?
  44. Reason to practise the right religion
  45. Repentance and conversion are not milestones which we pass on the way of life and never see again
  46. As near to God as you want Him to be
  47. We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace
  48. If you want to go far in life
  49. Only the contrite self, sick of its pretensions, can find salvation
  50. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  51. Running of good courage, away from the body
  52. Kingdom of God, a journey
  53. Know Who goes with us and don’t try to control life
  54. Sow and harvests in the garden of your heart
  55. Every athlete exercises self control
  56. Being of good courage running the race
  57. Discipleship way of life on the narrow way to everlasting life
  58. Man’s plans prevailed by God’s purpose
  59. Today’s thought “To set the mind on the spirit is life and peace” (July 31)
  60. Our life depending on faith
  61. When having found faith through the study of the Bible we do need to do works of faith
  62. Which is worse–works without faith, or faith without works?
  63. Unless I wash you, you have no part with me
  64. From those preaching the Gospel and Baptism in Jesus name
  65. A strange thing might happen when you come under Christ
  66. June’s Survey – Baptism by immersion: Necessary for salvation?
  67. Who Should Baptise?
  68. Uprooted Baptists their new idea of baptism
  69. Why baptism really matters – e-book
  70. Rebirth and belonging to a church
  71. United people under Christ
  72. Communion and day of worship