Baptised believers left in the world to use


In the previous chapter we have seen how Jesus prayed for unity among his followers whom he saw as people entrusted to him.

Jesus said in his prayer to God that his disciples, belong to his Heavenly Father and will be reflected in him.

« All mine is yours, and yours is mine; I am glorified in them. »(John 17: 10 Book)

« All That Is Mine Is Yours, and All That Is Yours Is Mine. They reflect who I am. »(John 17: 10 Book)

Jesus also asks that the disciples be one, just as the father and he Are One, and Jesus is one with his followers.

« I leave the world and come to you, but they still remain in the world. Holy Father, protect In Your Name those whom you have given me, so that they may be one like us. »(John 17: 11 Book)

Being « left behind » in this world, we need that protection from God. In our community, we need to stand up for each other. Together we must form one strong community that provides shelter for those who have not yet been baptised. We must show them that we are best formed by the word of God. By believing in that word we can gain knowledge and be purified.

« Make them pure and holy by teaching them in your word of truth. »(John 17: 17 Book)

For this, we have the master teacher in whom we have all confidence and recognize as our high priest.

26 therefore he is exactly the High Priest we need: he is holy, blameless, and undefiled; he has been set apart from sinners and has been given the highest place in the heavens. 27 ordinary high priests need the blood of sacrificial animals every day to cover their own sins and those of the people. But Jesus Christ once and for all erased all sins when he sacrificed himself on the cross. »(Hebrews 7:26-27 Book)

Through Christ’s act of sacrifice, everyone has been given the opportunity to be delivered from The Curse of death. Jesus did not ask God to take away the believers from the world, but rather to use them in the world. As Jesus was sent into the world, now the believers who have surrendered to Christ Jesus have also received the same commission as Jesus had. Jesus has given us the same task, namely to go out into the world.

« I am sending them into the world, just as you sent me into the world. »(John 17:18 Book)

«  »Peace! »said Jesus. « As the father sent me, so I send you. » »(John 20:21 Book)

« Therefore, go forth to make all nations My disciples. Baptize them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to always do what I have told you. » (Matthew 28:19 Book)

« For you must teach others what I have taught you and many others. Teach these great truths to reliable men, who, in turn, can pass them on to others. » (2 Timothy 2:2 Book)

We can now open our community to all who want to come to us or are curious about our teachings. By being open, we can give all our visitors the opportunity to see that we are committed to following the Bible. Then they can be convinced that this collection is our guide and that we are a community that does not adhere to church dogmas but only to the provisions and doctrinal rules specified in the Bible.

Even though we have not seen the signs of Jesusexecution and have not experienced His resurrection and ascension, we are convinced that these miracles have taken place. The record in the Book of books is enough for us to believe and spread the good news.

30 many of the miracles Jesus performed before his disciples are not recorded in this book. 31 I have written some of these so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God. If you believe in him, you live in his name. »(John 20: 30-31 Book)

It was Jesus ‘ great desire that his disciples should become one. He wanted them to be united as a powerful testimony to the reality of God’s love.

Forming a community together, we must now be ready to bring others to God. As brothers and sisters of each other and of Christ, we must share together the love of Christ. To family and friends, wherever we go, we must proclaim what Jesus and his God have done.

« Go to your family, « he said, » and tell them what God has done for you. »The man went everywhere in the city to tell what Jesus had done for him. »(Luke 8:39 Book)

19  » go home, « he said, » to your family and friends and tell them what God has done for you, how good he has been for you. 20 the man went out and told all over the Decapolis region what Jesus had done for him. Everyone listened to him in amazement. »(Mark 5:19-20 Book)

Only baptised persons may sit at the Lord’s table. But those who are allowed to sit can help others to see that they too will be allowed to partake of the bread and wine, if they want to surrender to God and confirm this for the community with their baptism. In this way, the community must grow into a place where many will be able to be partakers, and thereby confirm their faith that Jesus has surrendered for them.

In unity we will be able to meet so regularly, to encourage each other and together to remember Jesus dead.

« We should not stay away from our meetings. Some make a habit of that, but that’s not good. We must encourage and warn one another, especially now that we see that it will not be long before the Lord Jesus returns. »(Hebrews 10: 25 Book)

« For every time you eat of this bread and drink from the cup, you confirm that the Lord has died. Do this until he comes back. »(1 Corinthians 11:26 Book)



  1. Jesus high priestly prayer for unity
  2. Faithful to God are baptised
  3. Baptised offering unity to the unbaptised
  4. Our first baptisms in our brand new ecclesia
  5. Why were Catholics not allowed to take communion during the baptismal service
  6. Brothers and sisters as one family
  7. Lord God let us come together and grow


Additional reading

  1. Concerning Christ #2 Divine source, connection and divine human being
  2. Authority given to him To give eternal life
  3. Atonement And Fellowship 7/8
  4. Live by Faith
  5. The Church is Under Attack…
  6. Christians remaining hidden not sharing the gospel
  7. Religion and the essence of devotion
  8. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them
  9. The Involvement of true discipleship
  10. Testify of the things heard
  11. Bringing Good News into the world
  12. Jehovah’s Witnesses not only group that preach the good news
  13. Avoiding friction and distraction in the body of Christ
  14. Being Religious and Spiritual 7 Transcendence to become one
  15. Preparation for unity
  16. Looking for True Spirituality 7 Preaching of the Good News
  17. Time for this and that
  18. Preaching by example
  19. Witnessing because we love

How do you organise a house church?

house church
Photo by Andreea Ch on


In “How to Start a House Church?” we have investigated how we can best proceed to start a house church.

We must realize that to honour God we do not need to have a specific building, but we can freely gather in private homes or even in public places to bring glory to God.

Organising a house church can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

If we want to start a house church, we must first find like-minded people who want to take that step. If we have started looking for a group of like-minded individuals who are interested in starting a house church, we can arrange with those friends, family members, acquaintances, coworkers, or neighbours to meet at someone’s home at regular intervals. That doesn’t even have to be every week. There is also no obligation at all to hold those meetings on a Sunday. Any day of the week is just as good.

It is important when starting up the house church or ecclesia that clear boundaries are defined of what the beliefs are and where they want to go. What is acceptable in the community and what is not considered appropriate, such as the worship of multiple gods or so-called saints.

It is also wise to determine what purpose and vision one wants to consider for the house church.

What are your goals, values ​​and beliefs?

What kind of community do you want to create?

To properly manage the organisation of the house church, it is recommended that you choose a leader or leadership team to help guide the group. This person or team will be responsible for planning and leading meetings, organising events, and ensuring that the house church runs smoothly.

Once one has planned to establish a house church, it is important to determine the format and structure of the meetings.

Do you have a worship service, a Bible study, a prayer meeting or a combination of these?

How often do you meet, and where? Do you have a snack or a meal together?

In order for house church meetings to run smoothly, it is advisable to draw up a schedule for meetings and events. For example, it may be advisable to determine in advance a fixed day and time to meet, as well as to indicate any special meetings or activities you want to plan. For example, a good arrangement could be to meet on the first and third Saturday of the month, so that everyone knows clearly when they can drop by or invite friends to come to those meetings as well.

It is also best to develop a system for communication and coordination. This may include setting up a group chat or email list, creating a social media page, or using a platform like Google Calendar to share updates and information. For example, we have provided the ecclesia website and a WhatsApp group for the ecclesia in Anderlecht, and further reporting can be done via e-mail.

Once the house church has been formed and is starting to take shape, it can also be interesting to consider inviting guest speakers or musicians to enhance the meetings. This can help create a new perspective and a sense of excitement and diversity within the group.

In the religious community, an effort must be made to form a lively family spirit. By the way, one is a « brother » or « sister » in Christ to one another. Everyone in the group must be encouraged to contribute to the group.

Encourage active participation from all members. This may include sharing personal testimonies, leading prayers, facilitating discussions, or organizing service projects in the community.

Create a sense of community and responsibility within the group. Encourage members to support and care for each other, ask for help when needed, and hold each other accountable in their faith journey.

Stay open to feedback and suggestions from members. As your house church grows and evolves, be willing to adapt and change to better meet the needs of your community.

Overall, the key to organising a successful house church is creating a welcoming and inclusive environment in which members can grow in their faith, build meaningful relationships, and serve others in love.



Find also to read:

  1. Women in the First Century Church
  2. Looking on what is going on and not being of it
  3. Many looking for the church of the world instead of the Church of God
  4. Looking for a biblically sound church
  5. Good or bad preacher
  6. When not seeing or not finding a biblically sound church
  7. God’s forgotten Word 5 Lost Lawbook 4 The ‘Catholic’ church
  8. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them (Our World)Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them (Some View on the World)
  9. Personal thoughts, communication, establishing ecclesia and guest writings
  10. Germinating small seeds, pebble-stones, small and mega churches and faith
  11. Reasons why you may not miss the opportunity to go to a Small Church
  12. As a small church needing encouragement
  13. Small churches of the few Christadelphians
  14. Who are the Christadelphians
  15. An ecclesia in your neighborhood
  16. Everyone Welcome in our open Ecclesia
  17. The Ecclesia in the churchsystem
  18. Reasons to come to gether
  19. Preaching in a modern UK or modern Europe
  20. How to Form an Ecclesia
  21. The Big conversation – Antagonists



Additional reading

  1. The strugles of Taipei Ecclesia
  2. Explosive growth of Christianity in Iran (Our World)Explosive growth of Christianity in Iran (Some View on the World)
  3. Persecution follows suit as the church in Iran multiplies
  4. Wagner the NAR and new wineskins
  5. Shall Biblestudents in Belgium be able to celebrate their 200th birthday

How to start a house church?

house church
Photo by Artu016bras Kokorevas on


Starting a house church can be a fulfilling and community-building experience. Here are a few steps to help you get started:

  1. Gather a group of people who are interested in participating in a house church. This can be done by reaching out to friends, family members, co-workers, or neighbours who share similar beliefs and values.
  2. Find a suitable location for your house church meetings. This could be someone’s home, a community centre, or any other space where the group can gather comfortably and safely.
  3. Decide on a regular meeting schedule. Whether you choose to meet weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, consistency is key in maintaining and growing your house church community.
  4. Decide on the format and structure of your house church meetings. This can vary greatly depending on the preferences and needs of the group, but typically includes elements such as worship, prayer, scripture reading, discussion, and community-building activities.
  5. Choose a leader or leadership team to help facilitate and organize meetings. This person or group can help set the vision and direction for the house church, and ensure that meetings run smoothly and effectively.
  6. Spread the word about your house church and invite others to join. This can be done through word of mouth, social media, community bulletin boards, or other means of communication.
  7. Seek guidance and support from other established house churches or religious organisations in your area. Building relationships with like-minded individuals and groups can provide valuable resources and insights as you embark on your house church journey.

Remember that starting a house church can be a gradual and organic process, so be patient and open to the evolving needs and dynamics of your community. Above all, focus on creating a welcoming and inclusive space where individuals can come together to worship, learn, and grow in their faith.

A pilgrimage not exactly without obstacles or obstacles #3 Availability, encounters and exposure to change


Availability and meetings

Paradoxically, the apparent increasing availability of things and people makes our world ‘more unavailable, more unfathomable and more uncertain’. Yet, with so many of us, we want to hold on to it. It seems so unlikely that we would be able to say goodbye to this commercial world. However, going on a journey on this pilgrimage or camino does require that farewell.

For that important journey, it is important that we do not set out alone. We may leave as individuals, but along the way we will meet several people who all have the same dream, to get to where they want to go.

It is during such encounters during the trek that we can be touched by each other. By recognizing that we not only have such questions and that others have similar questions, but also sometimes have answers to what we would like to know. By communicating with each other, we can help each other to come to understand or see things. In this way, a mutual response can take place during the tour. In this way, it can even come to a feeling of being connected. Not appropriating but being moved. By the way, ’emotion’ is derived from emovere: to set in motion. By being open, being accessible, to others, mutual influence can take place and those who meet each other during their pilgrimage can also change with them.

Exposure to change

In this way, everyone’s personality will be exposed to change along the way. There will no longer be a desire for gadgets and knick-knacks, but for what and who that you can never (fully) own.

In our society, far too little attention is paid to the inner self. During a pilgrimage, one is willingly or arbitrarily confronted with the inner self. Each tractor gets to know itself better. As the days go by, the more miles one has travelled, the more the confrontation with one’s self increases. There even comes a time when one can no longer ignore it. One has to confront oneself. Then one may or may not defend oneself, or one may come to the point where one will want to go deeper into oneself and discover that there is a much better self hidden there.

In any case, it is important to think carefully about your pilgrimage before you leave. You can safely consider the how and why.

Hopefully, it has become clear to you that change is needed in your life. Something deep inside you is calling you to take this journey.

What is that urge? What do you desire? Is there something that drives you to undertake this hike? How do you want to change?

Are you willing to change when it counts?

Will you dare to ignore the reactions of those around you and still take your steps?

You may want to choose a special intention for the hike, something or someone you can dedicate your trip to. But eventually you will have to come to realize that the world trip you are about to embark on will not just be a journey to dedicate to others, but that it will initially be about unravelling yourself and fully discovering your own self. But in addition, it will be even more important to discover Who gives your own self a chance to live. The Person behind creation will surely discover you during your trek. You will also notice that that Person will also be able to be your supervisor.


Next: To discover Source of life



  1. What is a Pilgrimage?
  2. Encouraging eachother
  3. Prayer at the beginning of our pilgrimage
  4. Beginning of a Pilgrimage
  5. God’s Words for the Pilgrimage #1 Twentieth Century Man and the Pilgrimage Process
  6. God’s Words for the Pilgrimage #2 Words of God for life
  7. God’s Words for the Pilgrimage #3 A road on a global scale littered with obstacles
  8. A pilgrimage not exactly without obstacles or obstacles #1 Embarking on an important journey
  9. A pilgrimage not exactly without obstacles or obstacles #2 Not a cheap or easy flight but a life journey


Additional reading

  1. Messages leading to an earthly utopia
  2. About the Cosmological argument for proving that there is a Creative Deity
  3. Creation of the earth and man #22 Man in the image and likeness of the Elohim #6 Spirits, spiritual bodies and illusory perception
  4. Creation of the earth and man #23 Man in the image and likeness of the Elohim #7 Corporeal and spiritual change
  5. Mind-messing stuff reason for things to change
  6. When you are at your lowest point,
  7. Within despair
  8. Blaming others
  9. Doest thou well to be Angry?
  10. Do we need to learn to accept ourselves as we are?
  11. Responsible for what we are
  12. Becoming Conscious
  13. Altar everything in life
  14. Choices
  15. Ability
  16. Control and change
  17. Control your destiny or somebody else will
  18. Losing or getting in control
  19. Change
  20. Being the change that you wish to see
  21. Change will not happen if we do not start getting involved
  22. Let go of what you cannot change
  23. Start with small steps
  24. Yourself changing positively
  25. Getting fate in your change to positiveness
  26. A Living Faith #8 Change
  27. Only I can change my life
  28. Every man’s work is always a portrait of himself
  29. We all have to have dreams
  30. Following a Person or a Belief
  31. Growth in character
  32. Being aligned with above
  33. We will all be changed
  34. Sacred Rhythms – Longing for a deep, fundamental change in your life with God
  35. A Bible Falling Apart Belongs to Someone who isn’t
  36. Writing the Law on the Heart
  37. Matthew 18:1-6 Reborn and pliable as a child
  38. A strange thing might happen when you come under Christ
  39. How should we worship God? #9 Christian Behaviour
  40. How should we worship God? #11 New Life in Christ
  41. How should we worship God? #12 Renewing the Mind

Beginning of a Pilgrimage


2024 didn’t just bring us the start of a new year. It was also the point where some people shook hands and expressed their desire to join a brotherhood together.

On January 6, 2024, we could rejoice that the start was given in Anderlecht to form an ecclesia and to set off together from there to get to know and serve the One True God better.

The third week of January 2024 is the time to take the first step in the pilgrimage to the foundation of God’s Son, the Church of God.
A pilgrimage refers to going to a place to pray there. In our case, we set out for an ecclesia of Brethren in Christ under the direction of Jesus Christ, the son of God and with the blessing of his Heavenly Father, Jehovah the God above all gods.

Here today we find people who have decided to travel with us. They want to undertake the journey that will bring them to greater freedom and security in life, even if some do not yet fully realise the freedom and blessings that await them if they succeed in completing that journey.

To get to that endpoint where God would like us to arrive, we will have to climb many mountains and cross many valleys. Sometimes it might take sweat and tears. But today we find here people who are eager to travel, and who are eager to travel with their life experiences, and who want to share their experiences with their fellow travellers. They can expect a very rich, but not always easy expedition. But because there are several of us, we will be able to help each other and help over the most difficult cliffs and deepest waters.

There are business trips, pleasure trips, play trips, fairground trips, candy trips, day trips, night trips, leave trips, vacation trips, art trips, company trips, summer trips, winter trips, land and sea trips. Our journey is just about all of that, while we are allowed to oversee a real voyage of discovery and research.

Together we will walk to get to know God better. To this end, we will make good use of the Guide He Himself has provided. His Word, written down in the Bible, is our best companion, which we will make good use of in the coming weeks and months.

Just as a traveller takes travel goods, packing or luggage with him, everyone here present, also takes his ballast or packing goods with him. Everyone has experienced some things in life that can have been pleasant but also very unpleasant. Every one of us has been up to things that aren’t so kosher. Not everything we do is according to the wishes of the Divine Creator. During our pilgrimage, we will have plenty of time to think about what God wants, to meditate and to work on ourselves.

Provided that we are not going to walk over ice in one day, we must dare to take the time to let ourselves be put back in the right folds. All creases need to be smoothed out.

During our long journey (or pilgrimage) it is important to finally get rid of our old self and put on a new self. At the end of the day, we must be able to present ourselves to God, cleared of all blame. In the meantime, some may decide that they are ready to enter into the « water of life » and ask God to “whitewash” them so that they may be redeemed from their past sins, in order to be cleansed, to continue the important journey. For this baptism is not an endpoint, but a starting point of a new life, in which the baptized person has decided to live completely according to the will of God.

That baptism is then a passage through the Reed Sea (or Red Sea) where God’s People were also freed from slavery. But as we can read in Scripture, they still went in the wrong direction a few times and did things that God did not like. That can happen to us too. For this, we need to pay attention and support each other.
As soon as we see someone deviate, we have to show them back the right way to the Path. All together, as in the first centuries, the followers of Jesus must follow « The Way« . To this end, the regular meetings will be a helping hand. But that won’t be enough. Each person will also have to take initiative and examine the scriptures daily. Without regular Bible reading and study, the road will be much more difficult.

If we are willing to listen to God’s Word, He will be willing to listen to us. Then the time has come for us to talk to Him. In the same way, we will regularly enter into dialogue with God through our prayers, requests, praises and songs.

Hopefully, we will be able to talk to more lost people on our trek and let them go with us to a point where it will be wonderful to stay.

All those who will succeed in ending the pilgrimage, will be able to look back with satisfaction at what they have been able to leave behind as ballast along the way. Freed from all these burdens, they will be allowed to step into a new life, with many to walk together to and through that narrow gate of the Kingdom of Christ.




  1. What if’s
  2. Gathering and meeting for God
  3. A new yeshiva or studyplace to be
  4. January 6, 2024 official opening of the Anderlecht ecclesia
  5. A new ecclesia = a new beginning
  6. The intentions of our Brussels ecclesia
  7. What is a Pilgrimage?
  8. Encouraging eachother
  9. Prayer at the beginning of our pilgrimage


Additional reading

  1. The Right One to follow and to worship
  2. Gods, God of the Bible and believers
  3. The Almighty Lord, God above all gods
  4. Bible a guide – Bijbel als gids
  5. Bible – Basic intro
  6. Bible
  7. Bible power to change
  8. Word of God
  9. Bible Word of God inspired and infallible
  10. Facing our existence every day
  11. Many looking for the church of the world instead of the Church of God
  12. Get the lenses out to getting closer again
  13. Being aligned with above
  14. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality
  15. Sometimes we face trials
  16. The beginning of a new life
  17. 2023 December 3 A Day in two ways important
  18. Possibly a bright prospect for the Belgian community of Brothers in Christ
  19. Sunday night Zoom Meetings
  20. Concerning prayer and thought for the day
  21. Prayer at the opening of the year 2024
  22. The Way of God or the way of the world?
  23. Looking for a spiritual new life
  24. Feeling-good, search for happiness and the church
  25. Know Who goes with us and don’t try to control life
  26. Cross-bearing
  27. After darkness a moment of life renewal
  28. Genuine message of salvation
  29. In the night His song shall be with me
  30. In the springtime it’s easy to see God’s love
  31. Belief of the things that God has promised
  32. Today’s thought “That is not the way you learned Christ” (April 6)
  33. How should we worship God? #11 New Life in Christ
  34. How should we worship God? #12 Renewing the Mind
  35. Wanting for more than you need or hearing the Inviting encouragement
  36. Rebirth and belonging to a church
  37. How to set your mind
  38. Knowing The Truth and Loving The Truth
  39. A Living Faith #8 Change
  40. When having taken a new direction in life, having become a Christian

A new ecclesia = a new beginning

It is great that we have found a family in Anderlecht who wants to open their house to holding meetings.

Following the example of the early Christians, we can now come together in communion under the care of Christ to serve the God of Abraham and the God of Christ.

In Anderlecht, the seed may now be planted to grow a community of faith. Some people have decided to reach out to each other to strengthen each other in faith. Together they want to set out to start a fascinating pilgrimage.

With many questions and expectations, the first pebbles have been thrown on the path, so that without too many sliders we could go together to a fixed road that gives security and life. Together we want to move towards that light that shines in the distance and from where the call rings.

Each on his own can hear the voice of God and know that the decision taken is good. Those who go out together to face the great adventure will not be ashamed or shy that they were willing to take this journey together.

The great adventure started at the beginning of this year. On this website you (reader) will be able to follow the account of our wanderings, hopes and expectations. We are aware that not everything will always go as we wish. The fellow travellers will also have to contend with the reality of this life, births, school results, job offers but also loss of work, healthy trips, but also sad things like illness and even death. But anyone who goes out is willing to carry the burdens of the other person and support them, so that everyone can achieve the end goal.

Those who come together in Anderlecht believe that they belong together and want to go for the same goal, form a community worthy to continue as a community of followers of Christ Jesus, the sent of God, whom they view as their promised Messiah or Saviour.

With suit and pocket, loaded with good intentions, hope and a range of Bibles in multiple languages, they will take the Bible as their primary Guide on the path they are not afraid of and the people who will try to discourage them will not succeed in their purpose. All who plan to go on a trek will put on a firm step of shoes and set off completely boldly.

Emerging for Christ, they will not fail to make their goals known to others. Along the way, they won’t stop talking about that Nazarene man whose footsteps they want to follow. It was a man of words and deeds who submitted completely to Heavenly Father, Jehovah, the Only True God. And that is also what the walkers want to do during this trip: straight ahead of the charity, even though we know that it will not always be an easy course and that the gate to that Kingdom, where we are heading, is narrow. The road that leads to a narrow gate that we will have to go through. Although, it is said that it is more difficult for a camel to pass through that gate than to put a thread through the eye of a needle.

But everyone has been found willing not to be discouraged and to speak to others along the way to go out with us.

So, if you wish to go out with us. Feel free to come along and discover with us the fascinating stories, details and beauties that will be found on the path.



  1. The greatest gift that can come to us
  2. A new yeshiva or study place
  3. The spiritual “ garment ” for our souls
  4. Gathering and meeting for God
  5. The intentions of our Brussels ecclesia
  6. Prayer on the last day of the year
  7. Prayer before the start of our first year of operation
  8. January 6, 2024 official opening of the Anderlecht ecclesia


Additional reading

  1. The Divine name of the Creator
  2. Archeological Findings the name of God YHWH
  3. Jehovah Yahweh Gods Name
  4. Lord or Yahuwah, Yeshua or Yahushua
  5. I am that I am Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh אהיה אשר אהיה
  6. Make a joyful noise unto Yahweh, rejoice, and sing praise unto Jehovah
  7. The NIV and the Name of God
  8. Jehovah in the BASF
  9. I Will Cause Your Name To Be Remembered
  10. Blessed be the name of Jehovah
  11. Praise be to God
  12. For Jehovah is greatly to be praised
  13. Praise the God with His Name
  14. Praise the most High Jehovah God above all
  15. Acknowledge the majesty of the Lord’s reputation!
  16. What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits
  17. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  18. Jehovah is good unto them that wait for Him
  19. Jesus and his God
  20. A Triple God or simply a rather simple One God
  21. History of the acceptance of a three-in-one God
  22. Does there have to be a Holy Trinity Mystery
  23. Bible
  24. Word of God
  25. Bible Word of God inspired and infallible
  26. Why choose? And can you choose?
  27. Gaining Christ, trusting Jehovah
  28. Hebrew, Aramaic and Bibletranslation
  29. Use of /Gebruik van Jehovah or/of Yahweh in Bible Translations/Bijbel vertalingen
  30. Commit your self to the trustworthy creator
  31. Being sure of their deliverance
  32. Meditation – Pride
  33. Where our life journey begins and inheritance of offices of parents
  34. Solution for Willing hearts filled with gifts
  35. Truth is not a Philosophical discussion
  36. Matthew 7:13-14 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The True Disciple #1 The Narrow Gate and the way to destruction
  37. Teachings, prophets, wolves in sheep’s covering and a narrow gate
  38. Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still
  39. The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places
  40. Repentance and conversion are not milestones which we pass on the way of life and never see again
  41. Discovering our narrative, a process we call Life
  42. Believe me! Everything is Possible
  43. Today’s thought “Our company” (January 01)
  44. Journey to begin with one step
  45. The Journey Begins
  46. …May we encourage each other…
  47. God loving people justified
  48. Not all will inherit the Kingdom

Prayer on the last day of the year

Dear God,
we entered 2023 with hope,
looking out at a meeting house.

We are grateful that a family offered her home to hold meetings.

We are therefore looking forward to 2024 expectantly
for the realisation of the Ecclesia in Anderlecht.

We pray You, our Dear God,
that we may receive Your blessing
to grow our ecclesia in Anderlecht
to a full-fledged religious community
in Your and Your son’s name.