Bible texts about the attitude of coming together

Te herinneren - Kukumbuka - Se souvenir - to Remember

Quotes from God’s Word

Quotes from God’s Word.

“not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the custom [is] with some; but encouraging [one another], and by so much the more as ye see the day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:25 Darby)

“For where two or three are gathered together unto my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20 Darby)

“And they persevered in the teaching and fellowship of the apostles, in breaking of bread and prayers.” (Acts 2:42 Darby)

“The meek will he guide in judgment, and the meek will he teach his way.” (Psalms 25:9 Darby)

“For Jehovah is high; but he looketh upon the lowly, and the proud he knoweth afar off.” (Psalms 138:6 Darby)

“Let the righteous smite me, it is kindness; and let him reprove me, it is an excellent oil which my head shall not refuse: for yet my prayer also is [for them] in their calamities.” (Psalms 141:5 Darby)

“I rebuke and discipline as many as I love; be zealous therefore and repent.” (Revelation 3:19 Darby)

“I have shewed you all things, that thus labouring [we] ought to come in aid of the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35 Darby)

“He that is gracious to the poor lendeth unto Jehovah; and what he hath bestowed will he repay unto him.” (Proverbs 19:17 Darby)

“Give, and it shall be given to you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall be given into your bosom: for with the same measure with which ye mete it shall be measured to you again.” (Luke 6:38 Darby)

“but let each prove his own work, and then he will have his boast in what belongs to himself alone, and not in what belongs to another.” (Galatians 6:4 Darby)



  1. A house with fertile soil full of plants of love
  2. No place for injustice, partiality or corruption
  3. Make a plan to make friends
  4. A community of faith to take over the torch
  5. Lord God makes us come together and grow
  6. Coming together to give the best of themselves to the others

Maandiko ya Biblia kuhusu mtazamo wakati wa kukusanyika katika Neger Dutch


Quotes from God’s Word.

“Soo dat ons no verlaat ons Vergaadering, glik as som ben gewent vor doe; maar vermaan malkander, en die soo veel meer, as jender kik noe, dat die Dag kom destby.” (Hebreeën 10:25 negerhollands)

“Want waar twee of drie ben vergaadert in mi Naam, da mi ben na middel van sender.” (Mattheüs 18:20 negerhollands)

“En sender a bliev staan vast na die Leering van die Apostels, en na die Gemeenskap, en na die Broodbreeking, en na die Gebeden.” (Handelingen 2:42 negerhollands)

“” (Psalmen 25:9 negerhollands)

“” (Psalmen 138:6 negerhollands)

“” (Psalmen 141:5 negerhollands)

“Mi bestraf en kastey sender allemaal, die mi hab lief; soo wees dan yverig en bekeer.” (Openbaring 3:19 negerhollands)

“Mi ka wies die allemaal na jender, dat ons moet werk soo, en neem op die Swakken, en dink na die Woord van die Heere Jesus, die Em ka see: « Vor gie ben meer salig, as vor ontvang. »” (Handelingen 20:35 negerhollands)

“” (Spreuken 19:17 negerhollands)

“Gie, soo na jender sal word gegeven. Een voll, neergedouwt; geskuttelt en overvloetig Maat sal word gegeven na jender Skoot. Want met dieselvde Maat, met die jender meet, sal word gemeeten na jender weeraan.” (Lukas 6:38 negerhollands)

“Maar elkeen beproef si eigen Werk; en dan em sal hab Roem by si selv, en niet by een ander.” (Galaten 6:4 negerhollands)



Bybeltekste oor die houding van samekoms


Quotes from God’s Word.

“Ons moenie van die samekomste van die gemeente af wegbly soos party se gewoonte is nie, maar mekaar eerder aanmoedig om daarheen te gaan, en dit des te meer namate julle die oordeelsdag sien nader kom.” (Hebreers 10:25 AF83)

“want waar twee of drie in my Naam saam is, daar is Ek by hulle. »” (Mattheüs 18:20 AF83)

“Hulle het hulle heelhartig toegelê op die leer van die apostels en die onderlinge verbondenheid, die gemeenskaplike maaltyd en die gebede.” (Handelinge 2:42 AF83)

“Hy laat aan hulpeloses reg geskied en Hy leer hulle sy pad.” (Psalms 25:9 AF83)

“Ja, al is die Here hoog verhewe, Hy gee om vir die nederige, maar Hy sien van ver af deur die hoogmoedige.” (Psalms 138:6 AF83)

“’n Regverdige kan my in liefde slaan en teregwys, maar van die goddeloses sal ek nie eens gasvryheid aanvaar nie, want my gebede is gedurig teen hulle boosheid gerig.” (Psalms 141:5 AF83)

“Ek bestraf en tug elkeen wat Ek liefhet. Laat dit dan vir julle erns wees en bekeer julle.” (Openbaring 3:19 AF83)

“Deur my voorbeeld het ek in elke opsig vir julle gewys dat ons hard moet werk sodat ons die armes kan help. Onthou die woorde van die Here Jesus. Hy het self gesê: Om te gee, maak ‘n mens gelukkiger as om te ontvang. »” (Handelinge 20:35 AF83)

“Wie hom oor ‘n arm mens ontferm, gee ‘n lening aan die Here, en Hy sal hom ten volle vergoed.” (Spreuke 19:17 AF83)

“Gee, en vir julle sal gegee word: ‘n goeie maat, ingestamp, geskud en propvol, sal hulle in julle hande gee. Met die maat waarmee julle meet, sal ook vir julle gemeet word. »” (Lukas 6:38 AF83)

“Laat elkeen sy eie doen en late ondersoek: as dit goed is, kan hy daarop trots wees sonder om dit met dié van ‘n ander te vergelyk.” (Galate 6:4 AF83)


Coming together to give the best of themselves to the others

When we fear Jehovah, the supreme God, we also want to serve and please Him fully. When we come together in a house, hall, kingdom hall or temple to serve God, we want to come together united as brothers and sisters to complete a full assembly in Christ’s name.

So you can endear yourself to Jehovah and become more useful to the church as you work on qualities that God loves. If we completely hand ourselves over to God, He will guide us to move forward.

“He keeps the humble in the straight track, The simple He shows His path;” (Psalms 25:9)

“Highly exalted is Jehovah: yet He looks down on the humble, And knows the proud from afar!” (Psalms 138:6)

Think under prayer about where there is still room for improvement in your personality. Choose one specific property you want to focus on.
Could you work on your empathy? Can you try to become more peaceful? Do you have to work on your willingness to forgive?

Meeting regularly is an excellent opportunity to develop a love for each other. We look forward to helping everyone around us grow into someone who, in turn, can also bring others to Christ. The meeting is an opportunity to meet each other, and exchange ideas, but also to share the same love with each other. Sharing love also means being there for each other and having the best for each other.

You could ask a good friend for suggestions for improvement.

Out of loyalty, a friend inflicts wounds, but an enemy overwhelms you with kisses. (Proverbs 27:6)

When we meet together, it comes down to supporting and building each other. Everyone must show full respect to each other. In the house of God, there is no room for contempt or jealousy. It must be done in full love if one wants something clear to someone else. And the person who is rightly pointed out for something must regard it as a helping hand. Everyone must be diligent and help the others. As brothers and sisters, we must be attached to each other and responsible for each other’s growth, by helping to lead the Scriptures and correcting them where necessary.

“I rebuke and chastise all that I love. So do your best and repent.” (Revelation 3:19)

If we are busy in the ecclesia to be at the service of others, we will also feel good. Jesus himself has said:

“Giving makes you happier than receiving.”’

Everyone who comes together in the House of God should aim to give Jehovah the best he or she has in him. One must be careful not to compare oneself with others or try to be ‘better’ or ‘more’ than someone else. Be grateful to Jehovah, whatever it is, that with your health, education or talent you are able to do. Does some aspect of the service go better than you? Then be glad that they use their talents to praise Jehovah.

“Let everyone investigate his own behavior; then at most he will be able to boast of himself, but certainly not by comparison with others;” (Galatians 6:4)



  1. The spiritual “garment” for our soul
  2. A new ecclesia = a new beginning
  3. Coming together to overcome our differences and save something bigger than us
  4. How to start a house church?
  5. Whether or not you feel at home in a church
  6. Prayer to know God’s Will to live appropriately before Him
  7. A possession on earth in all salvation
  8. What are the obligations for a Christian?
  9. Love expressed
  10. Be pure to meet God
  11. Love in the ecclesia
  12. We must be faithful to God
  13. A house with fertile soil full of plants of love
  14. No place for injustice, partiality or corruption
  15. Make a plan to make friends
  16. A community of faith to take over the torch
  17. Lord God makes us come together and grow


Additional reading

  1. Not created to be on our own
  2. Time to add value
  3. Congregate, to gather, to meet
  4. Looking on what is going on and not being of it
  5. Some one or something to fear #5 Not afraid
  6. Gathering or meeting of believers
  7. Meeting
  8. Making church
  9. Problem of an aging church
  10. What’s church for, anyway?
  11. Decrease in church attendance not only a recent feature #5 Necessity of attendance
  12. High time to devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship
  13. Even with a few gathering
  14. Looking for a biblically sound church
  15. Two Ways, Revisited
  16. Division, diversity, unity and connection
  17. Soar to Places Unknown
  18. Reasons to come to gether
  19. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them (Some View on the World)Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them (Our World)
  20. A Living Faith #11 My place in the body of Christ and my ecclesia
  21. Sunday Observance
  22. Worship and worshipping
  23. Call to help others
  24. Breathing and growing with no heir
  25. Letting others know about the wedding invitation
  26. A participation in the body of Christ
  27. Members of the ecclesia uniting and seeking God’s help in tribulation
  28. How should we worship God? #6 Preachers and Teachers
  29. How should we worship God? #14 True worship
  30. Being in isolation #3 Gathering and Sharing
  31. Leading with Fear: Gathering or Scattering?
  32. An ecclesia in your neighbourhood
  33. How to Form an Ecclesia
  34. How do you become a « Virtual » Bible School attendee?
  35. Zoom sessions and gathering in real life
  36. God won’t ask
  37. Communion and day of worship
  38. When there is secrecy involved
  39. A House for God in our 21st century
  40. Brothers and sisters in Christ for you
  41. Christadelphian Halls