Finding faith formation and a baptismal place

communion - baptism renewal
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on


To baptise, water is needed, and not even a little, for true baptism is not by sprinkling with water, but by immersing in the water.

Where that immersion happens does not play a role. Baptism can thus take place in many places and in different forms. If it is warm outside, this can happen in a river or in the sea. If the weather does not allow this, you can use a baptismal basin in a church, but if there is none, you might as well let the baptism take place in a public or private swimming pool.

But one can actually say that baptism can also take place in a bathtub, a barrel, a pond, a well, a swimming pool, a river, a lake or in the sea.

In house churches, baptism usually takes place by immersion in a body of water outside the house church, unless it is done in a bathtub there. There is a lot of preparation among the Christadelphians that will make way before they really start the actual baptism. This is to ensure that the baptismal candidate clearly understands the essences of faith and thinks according to Biblical teaching.

The Christadelphians do not proceed to the baptismal ritual until the newly converted Christian has made a personal confession of his or her faith. In doing so they follow the New Testament example.

In some cultures people are baptised immediately after conversion, in other cultures people prefer that the baptismal candidates undergo a certain preparation. In the latter case, one is sometimes guided by the pursuit of perfection. However, it seems to be a healthy New Testament custom not to pull conversion and baptism far apart.

Paul was baptised three days after his conversion (Acts 9), the Ethiopian eunuch was immediately baptised at his confession of faith (Acts; 8) and the three thousand who converted on the day of Pentecost were apparently all baptised the same day (Acts. 2:41).  In the case of Paul, the Ethiopian eunuch and the three thousand in Jerusalem, we must note that they were Jews and thus already had a broad knowledge of God’s commandments and His Will and the Messianic prophecies. Their rapid baptism must be seen in this context.

In our region, we have more to do with non-Jews and people who were not raised according to Jewish teachings. Many lack Scriptural knowledge and several grew up in a faith group where people do not honour the God of Israel, but adhere to the Trinity. Because they are so imbued with traditions that do not follow Biblical teaching, their conversion and demand for baptism also requires more attention.

When we, as catechists, have persons who have limited knowledge of the Way, it has proven useful to teach them thoroughly, so that they choose, with full knowledge of the facts, to be baptised and thus choose to be included in the ecclesia.

For that education, there will be the Bible studies as well as the sermons during the weekly services. But in our current age of electronic reporting, there are the websites of the religious community where various topics can be discussed. The articles posted on the internet can help build faith.




  1. What if’s
  2. The spiritual “garment” for our souls
  3. We must be faithful to God
  4. Faithful to God are baptised
  5. On the way to the altar of the world
  6. What does the Bible say about baptism?
  7. To stand for true baptism
  8. The ready baptismal candidate
  9. Infant baptism versus baptism as an adult #1 Infant baptism
  10. Infant baptism versus baptism as an adult #2 The Teenage Baptism
  11. Infant baptism versus baptism as an adult #3 Adult baptism
  12. Infant baptism versus baptism as an adult #4 Questions for the baptism candidate

January 6, 2024 official opening of the Anderlecht ecclesia

Saturday January 6 was the time. It could be said that the Christadelphian ecclesiae have had a new brother or sister in Belgium.

Méthode Belanwa and his wife have expressed their willingness to provide their living space to build a house church. With their still unbaptised friends, they followed preparations every Sunday evening every Sunday evening to start a baptism soon.

Together they want to form a community of brothers and sisters in Christ and this was the official starting shot this Saturday.


After the welcome and opening prayer, Brother Marcus Ampe gave the youth and Bible reading and discussion of the Creation of the world and the first commission God gave to mankind. Reference was therefore made to the important task that we as Christadelphians should fulfil, showing respect for every living being, be it plant, animal or human.

Then we discussed how we would build our ecclesia in the future and hold services to serve God.

Two courageous women dared to ask some important questions, such as who conducts or dictates to us what and how we should do everything, this compared to the administrative body of the Witnesses of Jehovah (the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses) or the Watchtower (Bible and Tract Society), and the role of the Pope in the Catholic Church.

It was made clear that there are many different Christadelphian groups, such as the  Amended, Unamended, CBM, Carelinks, Berean, Xanga, Logos, Old Path, Restoration, Living Hope, Williamsburg Christadelphans as well as the Thomasites and other Christadelphian groups, each with their own organisation and ways of church conduct.

Newbury ChristadelphiansIt was made clear that we do not have a worldly governing body or governing body, as the Christian Congregation of Witnesses have their Faithful Slave, and that we are completely independent here in Belgium. We are fortunate to be able to count on the patronage of the English ecclesia in Newbury, which has expressed its willingness to support us further. By the way, they have already done a lot of preparatory work, for the baptisms, when Marcus Ampe had been eliminated for a while for health reasons. Their support is therefore greatly appreciated.

Our independence means that we are also open to anyone from the Christadelphian communities and beyond. By the way, one does not have to be baptised to celebrate services with us. Only are not baptised people, not allowed to participate in the symbols, but they may be present.

A selection of Bibles presented for the ecclesia – Een selectie van bijbels gepresenteerd voor de ecclesia – Une sélection de Bibles présentées pour l’ecclésia – Uchaguzi wa Biblia uliowasilishwa kwa ajili ya eklesia

Société Biblique de GenèveSociété Biblique de GenèveEveryone is also invited to read together from the « Sainte Bible Gros Caractères Segond -NEG », which we took as the standard Bible for the service. In addition to this French-language Bible of the « Société Biblique de Genève » (Genfer Bibelgesellschaft), many Bibles were proposed, under which the members of the ecclesia can choose to use for Bible studies. In doing so, we indicated that everyone is free to use any Bible translation for those study moments or beyond.

For the children’s service, the choice was made for « La Bible pour les enfants » published by Mame. But the question was also asked whether a Dutch-language Children’s Bible could also be provided. Brother Marcus had already searched for this before, but had not yet found a solid version that always kept a clear difference between God and Jesus.

A selection of Bibles presented for the ecclesia – Een selectie van bijbels gepresenteerd voor de ecclesia – Une sélection de Bibles présentées pour l’ecclésia – Uchaguzi wa Biblia uliowasilishwa kwa ajili ya eklesia
Singing at Leeds Grammar School in 2001
The Northern Christadelphian Choir singing at Leeds Grammar School in 2001

The question arose among the women about songs, hymns or anthems, cantiques and gospels in our services. The African men also came forward with their wishes that they like lively music, in which dance also plays a role. Brother Marcus who was a dancer by profession and previously was able to attend services full of dance and lively music in the non-trinitarian Baptist community, had ear for this and assured that if good African and European music could be found, never testifying to the wrong person, we could also use it in the service.
Brother Marcus and Steve Robinson assured those present, that in our services we would also use the excellent source of music produced at the Williamsburg Organisation, Christadelphian music organisation, The Northern Christadelphian Choir, and many Australian Christadelphian music groups owned by Brother Marcus al Cd’s. For the music recorded by brother Peter Clausen from Ohio, on mp3 system for the Christadelphian Hymns, we have yet to find a French version.

In any case, I now also have the music of Joel Lwaga of which we will use his « You are the Way » at our next meeting.

It was also quoted that, as in the other ecclesiae that Brother Marcus is going for, he will also regularly open the service with some Psalm, as there.

Furthermore, it was indicated that in our independence how to perform the service, and without a fixed order, our services will not always run the same, but different sequences may be followed. By the way, that variation keeps the whole thing fresh and makes it adaptable to the events of the day.

Subsequently, it was discussed how to work towards the upcoming baptisms and where and how we would let them take place. It was agreed to check whether we could use the church of the Philadelphia faith community or the Free Protestant Church in Anderlecht on a Saturday afternoon in February. That would be the most ideal if we could use a baptismal basin in such a church building without idols. In case this would not work, it was proposed to have baptism in a public swimming pool or in a bath, provided it will still be too cold for a pond or water outside.

We were able to conclude that everyone was very enthusiastic about the start of the ecclesia, as well as the good prospects of soon welcoming several members and baptised people into our community.

Steve Robinson then gave the prayer for the evening meal, after which everyone could chat with the tasty food that the women had foreseen.



  1. Gathering and meeting for God
  2. A new yeshiva or studyplace to be
  3. The spiritual “garment” for our souls
  4. The intentions of our Brussels ecclesia


Additional reading

  1. Religions and Mainliners
  2. Need to Embrace People Where They Are
  3. Finding and Understanding Words and Meanings
  4. On the Affirmation of Scripture
  5. Confrontation by people telling lies to force others to avoid the targetted groups
  6. Need to reject an archaic, racist inspired interpretation of the Bible and animosity against other believers
  7. 3 Doctrinal Areas I’m Struggling with Right Now
  8. The blot not to be seen
  9. Power in the life of certain
  10. A Society pleading poverty
  11. Good or bad preacher
  12. Belonging to or being judged by
  13. Charles Taze Russell never claimed to have found a new religion, or a new church.
  14. Watchtowers’s new face
  15. Representatives of the “Slave Class” or the Real “faithful and discreet slave”
  16. Male domination and tyranny giving opportunities to defile the Name of God
  17. Religious Practices around the world
  18. Different approach in organisation of services #1
  19. Different approach in organisation of services #2
  20. Different approach in organisation of services #3
  21. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WBTS) main groups that broke away
  22. Jehovah’s Witnesses Circuit Assembly and a Pillar to freedom
  23. To remove the whitewash of the Jehovah Witnesses as being the only true Bible Students and Bible Researchers
  24. Dave Norris and his writings on the Belgian Bible Students
  25. For those who are attacked and left the Jehovah’s Witnesses Organisation
  26. Religion and believers #1 Lots of groups and forms of belief to be taken interest in
  27. Religion and believers #7 Independent and organised form of existence of a religion
  28. Asking to come under the Wings of God
  29. Engaging the culture without losing the gospel
  30. Today’s thought “Showing the Gospel, teaching publicly and from house to house,” (November 07)
  31. The Big conversation Why it matters
  32. Being in isolation #1 Baptists making an important choice
  33. A strange thing might happen when you come under Christ
  34. Looking for a biblically sound church
  35. When not seeing or not finding a biblically sound church
  36. Germinating small seeds, pebble-stones, small and mega churches and faith
  37. Reasons why you may not miss the opportunity to go to a Small Church
  38. Different wineskins
  39. Ecclesia to exist, grow and communities to have people communicating with each other
  40. Everyone Welcome in our open Ecclesia
  41. How to Form an Ecclesia
  42. As a small church needing encouragement
  43. Preaching in a modern UK or modern Europe
  44. The untiring response of some Christadelphians
  45. Feast days in Belgium and these in our Belgian ecclesia
  46. Sunday night Zoom Meetings

6 Janvier 2024 ouverture officielle de l’ecclésia d’Anderlecht

Le samedi 6 janvier était le moment. On pourrait dire que les ecclésiastiques christadelphes ont eu un nouveau frère ou une nouvelle sœur en Belgique.

Méthode Belanwa et sa femme ont exprimé leur volonté de fournir leur espace de vie pour construire une église de maison. Avec leurs amis encore non baptisés, ils suivaient les préparatifs tous les dimanches soirs pour commencer un baptême bientôt.

Ensemble, ils veulent former une communauté de frères et sœurs en Christ et ce fut le coup de départ officiel ce samedi.


Après la prière d’accueil et d’ouverture, Frère Marcus Ampe a donné aux jeunes la lecture de la Bible et la discussion de la Création du monde et la première commission que Dieu a donnée à l’humanité. Il a donc été fait référence à la tâche importante que nous, en tant que Christadelphe, devrions accomplir, en montrant du respect pour chaque être vivant, qu’il soit végétal, animal ou humain.

Ensuite, nous avons discuté de la façon dont nous construirions notre ecclesia à l’avenir et tiendrions des services pour servir Dieu.

Deux femmes courageuses ont osé poser des questions importantes, telles que qui conduit ou nous dicte quoi et comment nous devrions tout faire, ceci comparé à l’organe administratif des Témoins de Jéhovah ou de la Tour de Garde, et le rôle du Pape dans l‘Église catholique.


Il a été clairement indiqué qu’il existe de nombreux groupes Christadelphiens différents, tels que les Amended, Unamended, CBM, Carelinks, Berean, Xanga, Logos, Old Path, Restoration, Living Hope, Williamsburg Christadelphans ainsi que les Thomasites et autres groupes christadelphiens, chacun avec sa propre organisation et ses propres façons de conduire l’église.

Newbury ChristadelphiansIl a été précisé que nous n’avons pas d’organe directeur ou d’organe directeur mondain, car la Congrégation Chrétienne des Témoins a son Esclave Fidèle ou le Collège central, et que nous sommes complètement indépendants ici en Belgique. Nous avons la chance de pouvoir compter sur le patronage de l’ecclésia anglaise de Newbury, qui a exprimé sa volonté de nous soutenir davantage. Soit dit en passant, ils ont déjà fait beaucoup de travail préparatoire, aux baptêmes, quand Marcus Ampe avait été éliminé pendant un certain temps pour des raisons de santé. Leur soutien est donc grandement apprécié.

Notre indépendance signifie que nous sommes également ouverts à toute personne des communautés christadelphes et au-delà. Soit dit en passant, il n’est pas nécessaire de se faire baptiser pour célébrer les offices avec nous. Seulement les gens qui ne sont pas baptisés, sont pas autorisés à participer aux symboles, mais ils peuvent être présents.

A selection of Bibles presented for the ecclesia – Een selectie van bijbels gepresenteerd voor de ecclesia – Une sélection de Bibles présentées pour l’ecclésia – Uchaguzi wa Biblia uliowasilishwa kwa ajili ya eklesia

Société Biblique de GenèveSociété Biblique de GenèveTout le monde est également invité à lire ensemble de la « Sainte Bible Gros Caractères Segond -NEG », que nous avons pris comme la Bible standard pour le service. En plus de cette Bible de langue française de la «  »Société Biblique de Genève » (Genfer Bibelgesellschaft), de nombreuses Bibles différentes ont été proposées, en vertu de laquelle les membres de l’ecclésia peuvent choisir d’utiliser pour les études bibliques. Ce faisant, nous avons indiqué que tout le monde est libre d’utiliser toute traduction de la Bible pour ces moments d’étude ou au-delà.

Pour le service des enfants, le choix a été fait pour « La Bible pour les enfants » publié par Mame. Mais la question a également été posée de savoir si une Bible pour enfants de langue néerlandaise pourrait également être fournie. Frère Marcus avait déjà cherché cela auparavant, mais n’avait pas encore trouvé une version solide qui gardait toujours une nette différence entre Dieu et Jésus.

A selection of Bibles presented for the ecclesia – Een selectie van bijbels gepresenteerd voor de ecclesia – Une sélection de Bibles présentées pour l’ecclésia – Uchaguzi wa Biblia uliowasilishwa kwa ajili ya eklesia
Singing at Leeds Grammar School in 2001
The Northern Christadelphian Choir singing at Leeds Grammar School in 2001

La question se posait parmi les femmes sur les chants, les hymnes ou les hymnes, les cantiques et les évangiles dans nos services. Les hommes africains se sont également manifestés avec leurs souhaits qu’ils aiment la musique vivante, dans laquelle la danse joue également un rôle. Pasteur Marcus qui était un danseur de profession et a déjà pu assister à des services pleins de danse et de musique vivante dans la communauté baptiste non trinitaire, avais l’oreille pour cela et a assuré que si on pouvait trouver de la bonne musique africaine et européenne, ne témoignant jamais à la mauvaise personne, nous pourrions également l’utiliser dans le service.
Frères Marcus et Steve Robinson ont assuré aux personnes présentes que dans nos services, nous utiliserions également l’excellente source de musique produite à l’Organisation Williamsburg, l’organisation musicale christadelphe, Le Chœur Christadelphe du Nord, et de nombreux groupes de musique australiens Christadelphe appartenant à Brother Marcus plusieurs Cd. Pour la musique enregistrée par le frère Peter Clausen de l’Ohio, sur le système mp3 pour le Christadelphe Hymnes nous avons encore à trouver une version française.

En tout cas, j’ai maintenant aussi la musique de Joel Lwaga dont nous utiliserons son « You are the Way » lors de notre prochaine réunion.

Il a également été cité que, comme dans les autres ecclesiae que le frère Marc va pour, il ouvrira également régulièrement le service avec un certain Psaume, comme là.

En outre, il a été indiqué que dans notre indépendance comment effectuer le service, et sans une commande fixe, nos services ne seront pas toujours exécuter le même, et, mais que différentes séquences peuvent être suivies. Soit dit en passant, cette variation garde le tout frais et le rend adaptable aux événements de la journée.

Par la suite, il a été discuté de la façon de travailler pour les baptêmes à venir et où et comment nous les laisserions avoir lieu. Il a été convenu de vérifier si nous pouvions utiliser l’église de la communauté religieuse de Philadelphia ou l’Église Protestante Libre à Anderlecht un samedi après-midi en Février. Ce serait le plus idéal si nous pouvions utiliser un bassin baptismal dans un tel bâtiment de l’église sans idoles. Dans le cas où cela ne fonctionnerait pas, il a été proposé d’avoir le baptême dans une piscine publique ou dans un bain, à condition qu’il soit encore trop froid pour un étang ou de l’eau à l’extérieur.

Nous avons pu conclure que tout le monde était très enthousiaste au sujet du début de l’ecclésia, ainsi que les bonnes perspectives d’accueillir bientôt plusieurs membres et baptisés dans notre communauté.

Steve Robinson a ensuite donné la prière pour le repas du soir, après quoi tout le monde pouvait discuter avec la nourriture savoureuse que les femmes avaient prévu.



  1. Deux sites pour Bruxelles
  2. Questions et Réponses
  3. Une nouvelle yeshiva ou un nouveau lieu d’étude
  4. Rassemblement et rencontre pour Dieu
  5. Une place pour Citations texte biblique
  6. Le spirituel “vêtement” pour nos âmes