January 6, 2024 official opening of the Anderlecht ecclesia

Saturday January 6 was the time. It could be said that the Christadelphian ecclesiae have had a new brother or sister in Belgium.

Méthode Belanwa and his wife have expressed their willingness to provide their living space to build a house church. With their still unbaptised friends, they followed preparations every Sunday evening every Sunday evening to start a baptism soon.

Together they want to form a community of brothers and sisters in Christ and this was the official starting shot this Saturday.


After the welcome and opening prayer, Brother Marcus Ampe gave the youth and Bible reading and discussion of the Creation of the world and the first commission God gave to mankind. Reference was therefore made to the important task that we as Christadelphians should fulfil, showing respect for every living being, be it plant, animal or human.

Then we discussed how we would build our ecclesia in the future and hold services to serve God.

Two courageous women dared to ask some important questions, such as who conducts or dictates to us what and how we should do everything, this compared to the administrative body of the Witnesses of Jehovah (the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses) or the Watchtower (Bible and Tract Society), and the role of the Pope in the Catholic Church.

It was made clear that there are many different Christadelphian groups, such as the  Amended, Unamended, CBM, Carelinks, Berean, Xanga, Logos, Old Path, Restoration, Living Hope, Williamsburg Christadelphans as well as the Thomasites and other Christadelphian groups, each with their own organisation and ways of church conduct.

Newbury ChristadelphiansIt was made clear that we do not have a worldly governing body or governing body, as the Christian Congregation of Witnesses have their Faithful Slave, and that we are completely independent here in Belgium. We are fortunate to be able to count on the patronage of the English ecclesia in Newbury, which has expressed its willingness to support us further. By the way, they have already done a lot of preparatory work, for the baptisms, when Marcus Ampe had been eliminated for a while for health reasons. Their support is therefore greatly appreciated.

Our independence means that we are also open to anyone from the Christadelphian communities and beyond. By the way, one does not have to be baptised to celebrate services with us. Only are not baptised people, not allowed to participate in the symbols, but they may be present.

A selection of Bibles presented for the ecclesia – Een selectie van bijbels gepresenteerd voor de ecclesia – Une sélection de Bibles présentées pour l’ecclésia – Uchaguzi wa Biblia uliowasilishwa kwa ajili ya eklesia

Société Biblique de GenèveSociété Biblique de GenèveEveryone is also invited to read together from the « Sainte Bible Gros Caractères Segond -NEG », which we took as the standard Bible for the service. In addition to this French-language Bible of the « Société Biblique de Genève » (Genfer Bibelgesellschaft), many Bibles were proposed, under which the members of the ecclesia can choose to use for Bible studies. In doing so, we indicated that everyone is free to use any Bible translation for those study moments or beyond.

For the children’s service, the choice was made for « La Bible pour les enfants » published by Mame. But the question was also asked whether a Dutch-language Children’s Bible could also be provided. Brother Marcus had already searched for this before, but had not yet found a solid version that always kept a clear difference between God and Jesus.

A selection of Bibles presented for the ecclesia – Een selectie van bijbels gepresenteerd voor de ecclesia – Une sélection de Bibles présentées pour l’ecclésia – Uchaguzi wa Biblia uliowasilishwa kwa ajili ya eklesia
Singing at Leeds Grammar School in 2001
The Northern Christadelphian Choir singing at Leeds Grammar School in 2001

The question arose among the women about songs, hymns or anthems, cantiques and gospels in our services. The African men also came forward with their wishes that they like lively music, in which dance also plays a role. Brother Marcus who was a dancer by profession and previously was able to attend services full of dance and lively music in the non-trinitarian Baptist community, had ear for this and assured that if good African and European music could be found, never testifying to the wrong person, we could also use it in the service.
Brother Marcus and Steve Robinson assured those present, that in our services we would also use the excellent source of music produced at the Williamsburg Organisation, Christadelphian music organisation, The Northern Christadelphian Choir, and many Australian Christadelphian music groups owned by Brother Marcus al Cd’s. For the music recorded by brother Peter Clausen from Ohio, on mp3 system for the Christadelphian Hymns, we have yet to find a French version.

In any case, I now also have the music of Joel Lwaga of which we will use his « You are the Way » at our next meeting.

It was also quoted that, as in the other ecclesiae that Brother Marcus is going for, he will also regularly open the service with some Psalm, as there.

Furthermore, it was indicated that in our independence how to perform the service, and without a fixed order, our services will not always run the same, but different sequences may be followed. By the way, that variation keeps the whole thing fresh and makes it adaptable to the events of the day.

Subsequently, it was discussed how to work towards the upcoming baptisms and where and how we would let them take place. It was agreed to check whether we could use the church of the Philadelphia faith community or the Free Protestant Church in Anderlecht on a Saturday afternoon in February. That would be the most ideal if we could use a baptismal basin in such a church building without idols. In case this would not work, it was proposed to have baptism in a public swimming pool or in a bath, provided it will still be too cold for a pond or water outside.

We were able to conclude that everyone was very enthusiastic about the start of the ecclesia, as well as the good prospects of soon welcoming several members and baptised people into our community.

Steve Robinson then gave the prayer for the evening meal, after which everyone could chat with the tasty food that the women had foreseen.



  1. Gathering and meeting for God
  2. A new yeshiva or studyplace to be
  3. The spiritual “garment” for our souls
  4. The intentions of our Brussels ecclesia


Additional reading

  1. Religions and Mainliners
  2. Need to Embrace People Where They Are
  3. Finding and Understanding Words and Meanings
  4. On the Affirmation of Scripture
  5. Confrontation by people telling lies to force others to avoid the targetted groups
  6. Need to reject an archaic, racist inspired interpretation of the Bible and animosity against other believers
  7. 3 Doctrinal Areas I’m Struggling with Right Now
  8. The blot not to be seen
  9. Power in the life of certain
  10. A Society pleading poverty
  11. Good or bad preacher
  12. Belonging to or being judged by
  13. Charles Taze Russell never claimed to have found a new religion, or a new church.
  14. Watchtowers’s new face
  15. Representatives of the “Slave Class” or the Real “faithful and discreet slave”
  16. Male domination and tyranny giving opportunities to defile the Name of God
  17. Religious Practices around the world
  18. Different approach in organisation of services #1
  19. Different approach in organisation of services #2
  20. Different approach in organisation of services #3
  21. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WBTS) main groups that broke away
  22. Jehovah’s Witnesses Circuit Assembly and a Pillar to freedom
  23. To remove the whitewash of the Jehovah Witnesses as being the only true Bible Students and Bible Researchers
  24. Dave Norris and his writings on the Belgian Bible Students
  25. For those who are attacked and left the Jehovah’s Witnesses Organisation
  26. Religion and believers #1 Lots of groups and forms of belief to be taken interest in
  27. Religion and believers #7 Independent and organised form of existence of a religion
  28. Asking to come under the Wings of God
  29. Engaging the culture without losing the gospel
  30. Today’s thought “Showing the Gospel, teaching publicly and from house to house,” (November 07)
  31. The Big conversation Why it matters
  32. Being in isolation #1 Baptists making an important choice
  33. A strange thing might happen when you come under Christ
  34. Looking for a biblically sound church
  35. When not seeing or not finding a biblically sound church
  36. Germinating small seeds, pebble-stones, small and mega churches and faith
  37. Reasons why you may not miss the opportunity to go to a Small Church
  38. Different wineskins
  39. Ecclesia to exist, grow and communities to have people communicating with each other
  40. Everyone Welcome in our open Ecclesia
  41. How to Form an Ecclesia
  42. As a small church needing encouragement
  43. Preaching in a modern UK or modern Europe
  44. The untiring response of some Christadelphians
  45. Feast days in Belgium and these in our Belgian ecclesia
  46. Sunday night Zoom Meetings

The intentions of our Brussels ecclesia

Even though we do not have a publicly freely accessible, easily recognizable ecclesia building, we want to open up our ecclesia or church to people of all kinds, race, country nature, culture or language.

In our West Brussels ecclesia in Anderlecht we hope to receive different people and to address them in French, Swahili but also in Dutch and English. By default, the services will take place in Anderlecht in French and Swahili, compared to our other ecclesiae in English, French and Farsi.

Our community of faith consists of members who want to open up to others as brothers and sisters in Christ to make known our Nazarene teacher Jesus Christ.

We are convinced that Jesus through our Heavenly Father, Jehovah God, was sent to earth as a Saviour to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to bring the Kingdom of Christ to life. In our community, we recall how Jesus lived, and preached the Word of God, but also how he was put to death on a stake for the forgiveness of our sins. We also want to express to others our hope of the testimony of many people that Jesus rose from the dead after his death and again promised that he would return as the time will be found ripe by God.

As Jesus was brought back to life by the Only True God, who created everything and made sure that we may be here on earth now, we believe and want to let others know that this resurrection from the dead can and will come to us.  For this we have to wait until the end of the times or the end of all things

In our ecclesia, we want to prepare people for the appointed times, when we as humans will be tested and will have to withstand the incredibly severe violence against humanity that will use the adversaries of God to take the people away from God.

Thanks to God the Father, the son is still available to send us and, seated at God’s right hand, he will act as a mediator for us. Through his teaching, we want to be guided and build our community to Biblical standards.

We follow the first-century building of the faith communities of those who wanted to follow Jesus Christ. Although certain Jewish Laws no longer apply to all followers of Jesus, we also realise that certain Jewish laws or rules of life have not disappeared or been abolished at all. The Supreme God who was also the God of Abraham and Jesus made His commandments and rules known to man so that he would have firm guidance. His Words have been recorded for many generations who can follow these Words by reading and studying the Bible. A lot of time is spent on reading the Bible in our ecclesia. Furthermore, in that Book of Books there are also songs and prayers indicated to praise and honour God. We will use these but also contemporary prayers in our faith community to encourage us and ask God to protect us, to train and accept as children of Him.

In the previous article, you could read how the Greek word for « church » is « ekklesia« , and simply refers to that meeting or gathering, meeting of the called ones, or meeting of those who were « proclaimed« . « Church » was an unreligious word referring to a group of people considered to be followers of Jesus. The ecclesia does not really refer to a building but concerns people. It represents the group of people who have decided to come together to praise and honour God.

We in Anderlecht wish to offer such a place where people can feel at home and where we can hold meetings to study the Word of God, praise and honour God as well as commemorate the last supper of Jesus and his apostles and share the bread and wine with each other.

It must be remembered when When Jesus said

« I will build my church »

he was not talking about a literal building he was going to erect, but about a community he would form and support. We thus form a community under Christ and would like to invite others to join that brotherhood of Christ or that Church of Christ as well.

We want to show people that « church » means more than a church building or the Roman Catholic Church or a church of the Pentecostal movement. As ecclesia, we see it as one of our tasks to clarify the confusion of concepts surrounding « church. By the way, it is to avoid confusion that we prefer to use the word « ecclesia » for whatever one might call our society or gathering or brothers or followers.

We pretend to be obedient to the « Supreme Lord who is above all lords » whom we as our Only God uphold. We have also resolved to be stimulated by His Word so that we can grow and continue to work to grow the entire faith community. We therefore expect our members to show their willingness to take up God’s Word together to learn lessons from it and to let themselves through that Word « fertilize ».

As a community of believers, we expect all baptized members to take the right attitude to cultivate the right attitude among anyone who wants to join us in our ecclesia and our brotherhood.
As in a fine family, we want to form a community of willing children, interested in always learning and growing, always with each other’s helping hand and according to the Will of God. To this end, those who commit themselves to the True Faith must be aware of the promises of God and His Plan for the entire world. In this way, we also want to commit ourselves and work together to follow the instructions about joy and suffering and to look joyfully at the reward that God has for His loved ones provided.

As a community, we are willing to share God’s salvation with people around us, in and outside our community.

Although we are all different personalities, unity in the same faith is Jesus the Messiah the driving factor for the whole community and it is that shared hope that gives everyone joy of life and everyone share in the same hope-for-the-future.

Our part is to be faithful ships of the love of God (2 Corinthians 4:7; 2 Timothy 2:21). That is why we are committed to being diligent and obedient to the order « to be execution followers ». That is clearly not a passive order that we want to follow up and fulfill together.


Previous texts

  1. Gathering and meeting for God
  2. A new yeshiva or studyplace to be
  3. The spiritual “garment” for our souls


Additional reading

  1. Bible Word of God, inspired and infallible
  2. Plain Necessary Food of the Gospel
  3. Real God
  4. Only One God
  5. God is one
  6. God of gods
  7. The Almighty Lord, God above all gods
  8. God the Father
  9. God’s Promises
  10. God’s Hope and Our Hope
  11. Attitudes to God
  12. Nurturing a Close Relationship with God
  13. Listening to the lessons of the Bible and looking for ways to please God
  14. Look for your Refuge by God
  15. Jesus Christ, his Mission, Life and Work
  16. One Mediator
  17. Rapture exposed 3 Admittance with Christ
  18. Rapture exposed 4 Gathering with Christ
  19. Commandements of Christ
  20. Through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe
  21. Relationship with God, Jesus and each other
  22. Many forgot how Christ should be our anchor and our focus
  23. Faith antithesis of rationality
  24. Background of Faith
  25. What about trusting our brother or sister
  26. To belong to = toebehoren
  27. United people under Christ
  28. As brethren are we loving
  29. Judaism & Catholicism Universal ‘churches’
  30. Commitment to Christian unity
  31. Christianity and Apostasy
  32. Democratic principles for the church of today
  33. Church sent into the world
  34. Who are you going to reach out to today
  35. Mission of clergy or man
  36. Out of church Christians
  37. Synagogue, Church or Ecclesia for the Christian
  38. Congregate, to gather, to meet
  39. Congregation – Congregatie
  40. Making church
  41. Parish, local church community – Parochie, plaatselijke kerkgemeenschap
  42. Meeting – Vergadering
  43. Gathering or meeting of believers
  44. Structure
  45. Hope with a Foundation
  46. Faith
  47. Faith – Concerning Faith and the Gospel
  48. Faith – Possibilities
  49. Epitome of the One Faith
  50. Faith and works
  51. My Faith
  52. People of God
  53. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them
  54. Right Hand of Fellowship
  55. First century patterns
  56. Reasons to come together
  57. Those Belonging to the called ones coming together
  58. Living stones 1 A lifeless and a lively stone
  59. Living stones 7 The spiritual house
  60. Different wineskins
  61. Today’s thought “Standing up for the faith” (December 20)
  62. Chrystalised Harmonious Thinking
  63. I Serve
  64. Undertaking
  65. What’s church for, anyway?
  66. As brothers and sisters showing that you are followers of the real Jesus or being a Jeshuaist sharing responsibilities
  67. Intentions of an Ecclesia
  68. Ecclesia in Christadelphia
  69. Ecclesia and Ecclesial Shepherds
  70. Members of the ecclesia uniting and seeking God’s help in tribulation
  71. Evangelisation, local preaching opposite overseas evangelism
  72. How to Form an Ecclesia
  73. Ecclesia – Church – Minding your reference
  74. Why we do not have our worship-services in a church building
  75. Life of Discipleship
  76. Brothers and sisters in Christ, united by the bond of the spirit
  77. Leading Brethren
  78. Elders, pastors, paid or unpaid professionals
  79. The Big Conversation
  80. The Big Conversation – Christadelphians in the United Kingdom
  81. A new site looking at ecclesiae of the City of Christ
  82. Who are the Christadelphians or Brothers in Christ
  83. Christadelphian People – who or what
  84. Christadelphia’s Faith
  85. Credo of the Christadelphian
  86. Characteristic of a true Christadelphian
  87. Dr. John Thomas
  88. John Thomas – Namesake and inspirer
  89. Thomasites
  90. Thomasites, Russellites – Christadelphians and Biblestudents
  91. Brief History
  92. History of the Christadelphians
  93. Life in Christadelphia
  94. Christadelphian Halls
  95. Guide to Christadelphian Ecclesiae
  96. Guide to Christadelphian Ecclesias
  97. Looking for Christadelphian in your neighborhood
  98. Our Aim
  99. Testimony of a Christadelphian
  100. Worship and Fellowship
  101. Keeping an ecclesia in modern times
  102. Are you religious, spiritual, or do you belong to a religion, having a faith or interfaith
  103. Looking for something or for the Truth and what it might be and self-awareness
  104. How to look for and how to handle the Truth
  105. Uncovering the Foundations of Faith
  106. Gaining deeper understanding
  107. Do not forget the important sign of belief
  108. Belief of the things that God has promised
  109. God receives us on the basis of our faith
  110. Knowing where to go to
  111. True riches
  112. What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits
  113. The chosen ones to fear or not to fear
  114. Ability (part 2)
  115. The longer you wait
  116. Faith, storms and actions to be taken
  117. Have faith in your faith…doubt your doubts
  118. Improving the world by improving the Faith
  119. When having taken a new direction in life, having become a Christian
  120. Wanting to become a Christadelphian