Darkness, formlessness, chaos and order

“ But the earth now turned out to be disordered, formless and empty, there was desolation and darkness reigned, and God’s Spirit (His Working Power) floated over the surfaces of the waters. ” (Ge 1:2)

“ I looked at the earth and as far as my eye could see I saw nothing but emptiness and chaos. The sky was also dark. ” (Jer 4:23)

Then the Almighty Deity spoke, and every time He spoke things came into existence. Thus, light came into the darkness, and a firmament called heaven was created, separating water (seas) and land (earth). On that earth, the Divine Maker foresaw plant growth and in the waters sea monsters, teeming creatures each according to their kind, while flying creatures winged in the air were created.

Jehovah God requested to multiply these beings so that they could become many, on earth and in the air.

On that earth, out of the dust of the red earth, God made man.

And Jehovah God was about to form man out of the dust of the face of the earth and blow the breath of life in his nostrils, and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7)

Jehovah God now took man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and care for it. (Genesis 2:15)

Thus, we see that God gave not only the animals an order but also man.

“ Then God blessed them, and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply; populate the earth and subdue it; rule over the fish of the sea, the birds in the air and over all living things moving on the earth. ” (Ge 1:28)

“ Now Jehovah God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and placed in it the man whom he had made. ” (Ge 2:8)

“ Heaven remains the heaven of Jehovah, But He gave the earth to the children of men. ” (Ps 115:16)

“ 19 Then Jehovah God formed from the clay all the animals on the land and all the birds in the air, and carried them to man to see what he would call them; for as man would call every living being, that is what it would be called. 20 Man then gave names to all tame animals and to the birds in the air and to all animals in the wild, …. ” (Ge 2: 19-20)

Thus, God created order in the disorder and removed the chaos by giving everything a place and asking man to name all things as he wished.


Previous articles

  1. It was dark and chaos
  2. After darkness came light and life
  3. January 6, 2024 official opening of the Anderlecht ecclesia

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Please come also to read the following articles

  1. A question to be posed
  2. Challenging claim 1 Whose word
  3. A voice and a Word given for wisdom
  4. Creator and Blogger God 1 Emptiness and mouvement
  5. An openingschapter explaining why things are like they are and why we may have hope for better things
  6. From nothingness, except an eternal Being, the Ruach brought into being
  7. Bereshith 1-2 The Creation of the World – The Seven Days
  8. The 1st Adam in the Hebrew Scriptures #1 Beginning of everything
  9. The 1st Adam in the Hebrew Scriptures #2 Beginning of mankind
  10. Creation of the earth out of something
  11. Today’s thought “Allowed to have dominion over the universe” (January 02)
  12. Genesis 2:5-9 Theological terraforming and the Genesis worldview.
  13. See God’s wonderworks and hear His Voice
  14. Starting from a point in time when two elements existed
  15. Elohim, Mar-Yah showing His wonders
  16. Like a great bell tolling reverberates the consistent voice of the sovereign power of God