A beacon to be placed

Unfortunately, Jehovah God the Creator and Carer of his creatures had to see how the first man turned against him. After placing them out of the Garden of Eden, He hoped that man would learn lessons about how they had behaved.

In a way, our world came back to fall into the ‘darkness‘. The darkness in life that sin brought with it.

From the very beginning of man’s entry into this pitiful state in which he finds himself today, Jehovah gave man hope for enlightenment and announced his purpose for salvation. He provided some points of light. He gave His Word like a « torch » to shine the light on those who wished to hear.

Throughout the times, Jehovah indicated how crooked and twisted world society was built. He was also aware that man should learn to survive in this time frame and find the right way. This system of things would exist until Jehovah destroyed it through his anointed liberator. 3:15).

God has come to the aid of people continually and called them out of that world so that they would be free and separate themselves from doing a work that He had reserved for them. Although these people should not set up a government for themselves, this would not mean that there would be no government, because the society of the old world would continue without their support. Nor were they empowered to be an obstacle to or overthrow these world governments, or to attempt to patch up such systems in order to improve the fate of humanity. They realised that an attempt to do so would be doomed. More than this, such a renunciation of their separation from the old world would result in the knowledge and hope of Jehovah’s promised new world being darkened and extinguished among men. They were obliged to devote themselves perfectly to a work that is much grander, better, more resistant and more effective.

They had to walk with God, get to know His ways, and study His revealed promises of a better world, and preach about it to other people who needed such comfort. In the past, there are several people who testified before Jehovah. The information they provided was broadly a sketch of a government that will be governed directly by Jehovah God, the Creator and rightful Ruler.

So many centuries later, that beacon can still be observed. Several people have now resolved to grow together. Together they want to obtain God’s view that is much more exalted and that shows greater deliberation than ours, and His wisdom, as he views the world from His auspicious, exalted position.

For example, in Anderlecht there are people who have decided to study God’s Word together and serve God. They have expressed their willingness to gain knowledge about God. They are also aware that this knowledge of God’s purpose must be made a beacon of light, which will be seen by all people of good will.



  1. Prayer for our meeting to save something bigger than us
  2. Darkness, formlessness, chaos and order
  3. What if
  4. What does the Bible say about baptism?



Find also to read

  1. Thought on the first day of the new civil year 2020
  2. Today’s thought “Allowed to have dominion over the universe” (January 02)
  3. Evil Eye
  4. Existence in the non-existent and non-existence in the existence
  5. Light going on in darkness
  6. Tekufat Tevet – Darkness, gold moon and Light to look forward
  7. It is what they deserve
  8. Doing the will of God
  9. Today’s thought “… a separation between you and your God” (July 3)
  10. Today’s thought “A night of watching” (February 5)
  11. Today’s thought “When feeling like a man who has no strength any more” (February 19)
  12. Today’s thought “The word that I have spoken will …” (April 19)
  13. Today’s thought “Wickedness burns like a fire” (May 19)
  14. Today’s Thought “The people … in darkness have seen a great light” (May 19)
  15. Today’s thought “Performing deeds in keeping with their repentance” (November 10)
  16. Today’s thought “The breastplate of faith” (November 18)
  17. Today’s thought “Latter glory of the house of God shall be greater than the former” (December 18)
  18. Today’s thought “The vision of the branch and unleashing judgment upon the whole ear” (December 22)
  19. Problems on a dark road and A look at our ego-centric world
  20. Darkness, light, burning fire, Truth and people in it
  21. Light and Salt – Parables of Influence
  22. The Hidden Treasure
  23. Left in the dark or being in the dark seeing light
  24. Living lives in total darkness by lack of understanding the times that lie ahead
  25. In this time of darkness yearning for God’s presence
  26. From Winterdarkness into light of Spring
  27. God, let me be a light in these dark times
  28. Hope with a foundation
  29. Gods hope and our hope
  30. Gods promises
  31. Walking in the Light of Life
  32. God’s wisdom for the believer brings peace
  33. A new decade, To open the eyes to get a right view
  34. Not to fall for the traps laid by the opponents of God but using the bad experiences also to make us grow
  35. A Living Faith #9 Our Manner of Life
  36. Give Attention with the Heart and Light up the World
  37. Extending the soul to the hungry and satisfying the afflicted
  38. Time to be strengthened, thankful and to be prepared
  39. Many opportunities given by God
  40. After darkness a moment of life renewal
  41. The Right One to follow and to worship
  42. Today’s Thought: When we walk over the waters to meet Jesus
  43. Today’s Thought “Witnessing servants of God” (June 19)
  44. Taking as many opportunities as possible to proclaim the Good News